-6- Luigi

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"Mira! I'm going to kill you!" I seethed running down the hallways after her.

"You'll have to catch me first!" She giggled, running even faster.

"I hate you!" I screamed like a mad women as I reach out to catch her.

"I know you love me~" she laughed. Suddenly she stopped dead in her tracks causing me to crash right into her.

"And what are you two lovely ladies doing out here, running around in nothing but shirts?" That's when I looked down and saw my outfit


I felt something heavy lay on me and groaned. I tried to move around and push it off, but the thing was persistent. "Wakey, wakey sleepy head!" A sweet voice sang to me.

"Nooo" I moaned and covered my head with a pillow. Why does Mira always have to wake me up so early?

"I guess I have no choice then" she sighed and got off me. I smiled when I thought I had won this battle. Oh, how wrong was I.

It was silent for the next few minutes, that's when I heard heavy footsteps banging on the floor coming towards me and the splashing of water in an open container.

My eyes were wide open now. "oh no!" I tried to scramble up and off the bed, but it was too late. Mira had jumped onto me and chucked a huge bucket of water over me. My mouth fell open as my eyes widened in anger. I swear I even felt it twitch a few times.

"YOU. ARE. DEAD!" I screamed. Mira laughed but gulped when she saw the deadly look in my eyes.

"Run or die" I warn her before charging full speed at her.

"Eeek!" she squealed as she flew out the door...


I struggle to cover up my body as Mira and Laxus laugh at me. I attempted to pull my t-shirt lower, but somehow tripped over my feet and before I knew it I was tumbling down to the floor.

I closed my eyes and braced myself for impact. Luckily, two warm hands embraced me before I touched the cold hard floor. I opened my eyes and looked up into the familiar onyx eyes which had been haunting me lately.

"Careful, Luigi, you might hurt yaself" He grinned at me and stood me up. Usually, I'd say thank you for catching me, but...

"DID YOU JUST CALL ME LUIGI?!" His grin dropped as he blushed embarrassed. I pushed out of his hold and tapped my foot annoyed.

"Oops?" He offered me a smile. I huffed out in anger and turned my head away, giving him a quick stamp on the toe. "Ouch!" He cried as I looked over at Mira and Laxus.

UNEXPECTED COINCIDENCE -COMPLETED-Where stories live. Discover now