Author's Note

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It's done. It's finally finished. Over a year and a half I've worked on this story and now it has finally come to an end. Well, as you can probably tell it's not really the end *wink* But more of that later. 

Thank you for venturing on this journey with Emily and myself.

I hope you're not too disappointed with the ending and I want you to know how sad I was to realise that Sam wouldn't make it through to the end. It pained me to write it, but it had to be done in order for Emily to truly grow and harden even more.

I had two choices and I chose the one that I believe would make what's to come on Emily's further journey more interesting. Now she has a personal reason for going after Shax and it will also give her the chance to get to know her maker better. 

Also, I never wanted this to be a story where romance dominated. It was always going to be on the side, small but not insignificant. 

So as the title reads on this story, it's book 1 meaning there's more to come as Emily's story is far from finished. 

The sequel, which I don't know when I'll have time to work on already has a title.

Eternal Redemption, book two in the Eternal Trilogy - stay tuned.

Thank you all for reading and supporting this story and get to where it is now. I'm so proud to have finished my first real story and hopefully there'll be many more to come.

Peace out,

Signe aka Winter

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