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"BOOM" There was flash, then Stephen woke up. Being a light sleeper was worst then it sounded. True, you can wake up to things that you want to. For instance, if there was a fire, or if someone opened the door. He would have known, waking up everyday at 6:10, without an alarm clock. Things like that. Alex always complained about it. But he had always gotten mad at it. He could go to sleep at 1 then wake up at 6 true. But no on ever asked if he was still tired. He just couldn't go back to sleep, untill he was in school at least. Storms held him out awake for some reason. He never really cared that much, he liked the lightning. But he didn't like standing still doing nothing. So he normally passed the time by working out alittle. He didn't want to, he was still tired from last night. He went to sleep at around 2, and right now it was. Steven turned his head to see what time it was. '5:56' That was great. The storm just stole 14 mintues of sleep from him. He groaned. Last night, Alex had some how confinced him that it would have better if they watched over the papers himself. 'Who would want them not to be adopted?' If it ends up that the crazy one and her care taker were really some sorta of assassin's hired, by one of the few 30 kids that wanted him dead. They might have. But they've already tired making his life a living hell. They tried isolating him, changing his papers, and even losing his chair to make him fall. None really worked. He liked being isolated. It let him caught up on sleep that he never gets because of his light sleeping. Changing his paper, really? He was only really good in math, others he was a little above average. But not by that much, plus he had a bad hand writing. Teachers knew it was him. The chair was just dumb. Steven looked around. He couldn't really do push ups right now. So he started to get his clothes ready. He heard a tree fall in the distance. If he was lucky one of out of the 5 layers of trees that lead to the lith, had fallen. But for some reason, the lightning never hit in there. Everywhere else got hit. But never it. Steven changed his shirt and his pants. Putting on an black shirt that said, 'Quite hear that? It's the sound of me not listening.' Then some blue shorts with a strip of white going down on the left side. He remembered that feeling he got when he fought the crazy lady. He was going slower then  last time. Everything in the world slowed down. It felt, weird. He knew that if he used it while fighting someone. It'll lead to another group of people coming for him. But he wanted to know what that was. That lady was pretty messed up, he could tell, she wouldn't be able to breath without pain for a few weeks. Steven looked at the ground. The man had promised that he wouldn't hurt her. But still, he seemed a little to shady.  Not even Steven fully trusted him...

"You seem tired at breakfest, what happened? Your normally used to late nights."

Steven nodded. It was a cold day but he was wearing his shorts. Down the street was a stop light about half a mile away. Right next to there school. On both sides there were some trees. Anyone could enter inside, or out. But most people are just scared of them in general.  The street light was only  4 blocks way. Alone that would take about 5 mintues to reach the stop light. But he had to be with Alex. They both had to many emenys.

"Ugh, there was a storm in the morning. I'll make up for it durring math. I don't think Mrs. Morg cares that much anymore."

"As long as you answer her questions."

"Just give me a small kick or something when she's about to."

"Then you owe me 12 more flowers!"

Steven looked at over at her and gasped. It was hard enough finding the place the first time. Not to mention the crazy lady, who's friend was propably looking for him. Also it fall, that meant the animals would be looking for food, for the winter. This wasn't like her. Even if it was a joke. He woundered if she was just bluffing. 'I'll go with it.'

"Yeah, 12 flowers, got it."

"Okay, thanks, Ellen said she'll teach me something cool with them!"

ShockingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora