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When Mrs Verne appeared to Imogen from the hallway, all battered and clothes torn, she gasped and for a moment, attempted to stand up out of concern but retreated back on the chair from the pain in her knees.

"Whoa! What happened?" she asked.

Mike didn't answer but he carefully put Mrs Verne on the closest armchair. Mrs Verne looked like she was completely drained of any energy.

"Get her a cup of water and iced peas!" Mike oredered, urgency coating his voice.

She didn't hesitate and she hoised herself up on her wheelchair which was just beside her.

She returned with it and pressed it Mrs Verne's face. She winced in pain and then relaxed.

"Okay Elise tell me what happened," Mike said as she she finished drinking the water and took the bag of peas from Imogen.

She was quiet and Imogen said, "I'll be upstairs in my room if anyone needs me."

When she was gone, she started talking. "Can I stay the night here?" Her words were not coming out properly.

Mike dragged a stool and sat in front of her. "Uh..yeah sure but I have to know what happened. Did you get mugged?"

She snorked and laughed, "I wish."

"So, what? Rape?" He asked, alarmed.

"No no," her voice was a whisper. "Carter did this."

"Carter!" He stood up immediately. "Carter, your husband, did this to you?"

"You heard me."

He sat back down. "But why?"

She shrugged and Mike tried again. "Why would he beat you up like this?"

She didn't answer but stared at him contemplating whether to tell him or not.

He sighed. "Elise, you can tell me, you know that."

She was quiet before she said "I really need to lie down."

There was a guest room downstairs and Mike helped her there. He hadn't given up on getting answers and was going to try later or tomorrow. He left her there and returned with a shirt. He handed it to her saying, "It's my shirt, Imogen's clothes are too small and my shirt could be a pajama."

"Thanks." The peas had started melting and she asked for another one. He fetched another bag and by the time he returned, she had changed into the shirt. Her torn top was lying on the roung and she had discarded her black jeans. The shirt was so oversized that it covered up to her thigh. It was also large for him so he never wore it.

"Ok so have a good rest and I hope you would be willing to talk later." He started to leave when she called him.

She walked up to him and leaned in close, looking up into his blue eyes. "I can tell you, I trust you. But...I'm just scared." She lowered her voice into a whisper.

"Scared of what?"

Before he could say anymore, he felt her lips on his. She started to kiss him passionately and put her hands around his neck and stood on tippie-toe. He on the other hand, felt what he hadn't felt in years. The lips of a woman( except last year, when his secretary kissed him). For a moment, he was about to put his arms around her also, but he pulled away.

"What are you doing?" He asked, confused.

"This was exactly what I was scared of."


"You rejecting me."

"Yes Elise, of course I will reject you. You are a married woman for goodness sake." Tears had started to spill down her cheeks.

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