c h a p t e r s i x t e e n

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Two months later

"Come on bubs, we are going to the new DEO!" Kara said. The excitement of her voice was definitely present. She would finally get back to her normal Supergirl life.

"I'm coming mommy. Daddy didn't pick me out a matching outfit. So I had to fix it."

"Okay bubs. Mon-El lets go!" Kara yelled. Her foot tapped on the hardwood floor impatiently.

"I'm coming. Let's go." He said, kissing Kara and picking up Val.

"Alex I'm so proud of you." Kara said to Alex, squeezing her tight.

"Me? You're the one who built this thing. I just set up the equipment." Alex laughed.

"You de-." Kara stopped mid sentence and clutched her stomach. "Ow!" She screamed.

"Daddy what's wrong with Mommy?" Val cried.

"Val everything is going to be okay. Mommy is just having the babies. Go over to Papa J'onn."

     Valerie jumped out of Mon-El's hands and into J'onn's. He nodded and walked away with the small girl.

"Oww!" Kara screamed.

"We need to get her into the med bay." Alex yelled. "Now!"

     Mon-El picked up the screaming Kara and ran her to the medbay to meet Alex. He gently placed her down on the gurney and Alex plugged wires onto her.

"Alright Kara. You water should break any mi-."

"Ahhh!" She screamed.

"There it is. Okay. You are only a centimeter dilated. It might be awhile."

"It hurts." Kara whimpered to Mon-El.

     Mon-El wiped the sweat off of her forehead and kissed her. "You got this babe."

"AHHH." She screamed. "I can't do this." She panted. "Mon it hurts too much."

"Just breathe babe. You got this."

"Alright Kara. It's time to push." Alex said.

     Kara took a deep breathe and pushed. "Ahhh." She yelled.

"Good Kara good. Again!"

"Alex please make it stop." She pushed again.

"There's a head Kara. Again!"

"Owww!" Kara screamed. "Mon-El I sweat to Rao you're never touching me again- AHHHH."

     A cry filled the room, but the pain still didn't stop.

"Kara you have healthy little girl. You need to push a few more times."

"Come one babe." He wiped the sweat from Kara's head again. "You can do it. She's beautiful."

     After about twenty minutes another cry filled the room. Kara slammed her head back in the gurney and too a deep breathe.

"I did it." She sighed. "I had two beautiful healthy little girls.

Alex placed the two girls into Kara's hands. Tears streamed the two parents face's.

"What should we name them?" Mon-El asked.

"Alexandra, Ally for short, and Paisley." Kara said, kissing the two baby girls.

"Those are beautiful names." Mon-El whispered.

     Alex heart fluttered. She looked down at her two newborn nieces. One named after her. They were so beautiful she thought.

"You did amazing Kara." She mumbled.

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