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Hey guys. It's been a while since this book got finished, hasn't it?

I just wanna thank you guys again for reading. You don't know how much that means to me😊

We just hit 23.4k reads on this book, so I'm very excited!

With that being said, I just want to thank you guys again for dealing with me. This was my first book that I've ever written about a rapper, so that explains all the fuck ups I've made. I also went with the flow with this book, and wrote it chapter by chapter, which wasn't smart either. And let's not mention that I was rushing to put chapters out, which made them suck and not detailed like I planned them to.

But anyway, thank y'all for being patient with my annoying ass, that stuff ain't easy.

And with that being said, I came to ask you guys if there's any books you want me to write? It could be another Teo book, or it could be an Ayo book. Or another one idk lol

I know I've asked this previously, close to when I finished the book, but I wasn't ready then. I can safely say that I'm ready to write, and stay with a story.

So, if you have any ideas, go ahead and tell me.

Or, if you have any questions you wanna ask me, go ahead and ask them too!

But I mainly came here to thank each and every one of you, not ask for new stories or anything, just curious on what you guys want lol.

But thank you guys so, so much (for like the fourth time today, lmao). I love all of you💜

And, Happy early Thanksgiving! (To my fellow Americans out there)

Um, if you're not American, happy early Thursday I guess?😂

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