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I need to stop promising when I'll post chapters because I suck at keeping those promises. Anyways I hope this was worth the wait. Remember I do sort of take requests for this story, so if there is something you want to see or think should happen let me know.

Steve decided he and Bucky were going to exchange and open there gifts before Christmas. Of course Bucky didn't know why, he just went along with it and met Steve at the park when Steve said they should. It wasn't hard for Bucky to find the massive blond once he'd arrived.

"Merry Christmas Stevie!" Bucky cheered handing Steve the present. Startling the blond, who was still in aware of his boyfriends presence, in the process.

Steve's jaw dropped just looking at the wrapping on the present. He had stuffed Bucky's present into a bag because he couldn't wrap it and it would have looked awful anyways. Bucky's wrapping looked phenomenal.

"Merry Christmas Buck." Steve smiled excepting the gift and handing Bucky his.

"Open yours first." Bucky told his boyfriend, practically bouncing up and down.

"Alright." Steve laughed at his boyfriends excitement.

Steve carefully pulled the wrapping paper off of the package. He pulled off the lid of the box and couldn't help but smile. Inside was a photo strip of them from seven years ago at a baseball game, and underneath that was a new set of colored pencils and a sketch book. Steve wrapped his arm around Bucky and kissed his temple.

"I'll take that as an 'I love it'." Bucky joked.

"Take it as an 'I love you' but I do love it. Now it's your turn." Steve replied.

Bucky pulled the tissue paper out of the bag and reached in. He pulled out two tickets to The Nutcracker.

"Really!?" Bucky smiled up at Steve.

"I know you've always wanted to go." Steve rubbed the back of his neck, "The last showing is tonight that's why I wanted to exchange gifts today."

"I love you!" Bucky practically tackled Steve in a hug.

"I love you too." Steve smiled and kissed his boyfriends nose, "Are you not going to let go?"

"Nope." Bucky replied.

"Is it because you're happy of because you decide to be incredibly smart and not wear a jacket?" Steve asked.

"Yes." Bucky answered.

Steve sighed, "I thought so."

"It's only five minutes away from my house, I thought I'd be fine." Bucky muttered.

"And I thought you'd do this." Steve replied, "I have an extra jacket in my car."

"Like I said it's five minutes from my house I'll live." Bucky stated still holding onto Steve for warmth.

"Why can't you be normal and just except your boyfriends jackets?"

"Because I'm not normal." Bucky stuck his tongue out at his boyfriend.

"Come on, before you freeze to death. I don't understand how you, the boy who gets cold looking at a picture of snow, could ever think he'd be alright without a coat in ten degree weather." Steve teased his boyfriend.

"Sh-shut up Steve." Bucky stuttered.

"Here." Steve tossed Bucky his letterman jacket.

"Wow I've been promoted to the letterman jacket." Bucky smiled.

"You're weird." Steve laughed.

"You chose me." Bucky replied.

"What are you doing for the rest of the day?" Steve asked wrapping his arm around Bucky.

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