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Steve started with the question that had been bothering him most "Why wouldn't you talk to me?"

James sighed, "I don't know, a lot has changed since we were twelve Steve."

"So, uh, what was California like?" Steve asked.

"Loud." James answered, "Crowded."

"I guess with that many people it must be easy to make friends."

James shook his head. "Not really. It took me like three years."

Steve looked shocked, "I'm sorry, I just thought tha-"

"You thought wrong!" Winter snapped unintentionally.

"Seriously, what did I do, this can''t just be about us not seeing each other in So long" Steve replied to Winter yelling.

"You wanna know why Steve? You weren't there!" James yelled, "I was always there for you! But then the moment I needed you there for me you never came!"

"What do you mea-" Steve's question was cut off.

"The car crash Steve! I was in the hospital, I lost half my family!" James could feel his eyes filling with tears "I was there for everyone of your doctors appointments, every time you where in the hospital, I was there! You weren't, I lost my mom, I lost my sister, I lost my freaking arm, and you never once came!"

"I tried, I really did." Steve replied, "I'm sorry I wasn't there, I tried to come see you, I was so scared when you where in the crash, I thought I was going to lose you!"

James felt silent hot tears slide down his cheeks. He squinted his eyes to stop them. Steve noticed and placed his hand on James' shoulder. The shorter jerked his shoulder away.

"Bucky?" Steve whispered, James looked up slightly, "I'm really sorry I couldn't be there. You have every right to be upset." He sighed, "But I really did miss you, and I want to be friends. Can we try again?"

"If your gonna call me that just don't do it in front of other people." James laughed.

"What? Why?" Steve asked tilting his head.

"You really think it's easy to make new friends when people call you Bucky?" James wiped his eyes with his sleeve.

"So you're okay with the Bucky thing now." Steve half asked half stated.

"Not around other people." James replied, "Okay, my turn. When did all of this happen? I mean you doubled in size."

"Puberty. It's a miracle." Steve shrugged his shoulders.

James examined Steve, "So thanks to puberty, you went from, five foot, eighty pound, sickly, little Stevie, to, I'd say, six two, two hundred pound, football captain, Steve Rogers."

"Yeah, and I'm only one ninety." Steve chuckled, "You didn't change much that way, you look about twenty pounds heavier and four inches taller."

"Accurate." James agreed, "Five six to five ten, one thirty to one fifty." He quickly checked his phone, "Yeah, uh you should probably go and eat lunch now."

"Oh, right." Steve rubbed the back of his neck, "It was really nice to talk to you again Bucky."

Steve hugged James, causing him to flinch. James reluctantly hugged back.

"I'm sorry, I guess that was sudden, huh?" Steve chuckled nervously.

James but his lip, "I'm not a huge fan of physical contact."

Steve smiled, "Well, see ya Bucky." Steve waved back at James as he walked to the cafeteria.

"See ya." James waved back.

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