Dances and Jerseys

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This was supposed to be up before Halloween I'm way behind

"Hey Buck." Steve smiled walking over to Bucky.

"Hey." He smiled back, he didn't really mind if people called him Bucky anymore, as long as they were his friends.

"Sam's not here today, do you maybe want sit with me in health?"

"Yeah sure."

The two revived a few weird looks from the class. It was strange, the emo, punk, bad boy and the captain of the football team, all of the sudden best friends, no one expected it.

"Hey, are you doing anything today?" Steve asked once the bell rung.

"After dance? Nothing really, I mean homework but that's it." Bucky answered, "Why?"

"My mom has been dying to see you again, so I was wondering if you and your dad wanted to come over for dinner?"

"That'd great." Bucky smiled, "How has your mom been?"

"She's been pretty good." Steve answered.

"That's good, hey Steve are you-" Bucky was cut off.

"Steve!" A voice cheered.

"Oh, hey Sharon." Steve smiled at her.

"Hey I was wondering if you ya know weren't going with someone else would you like to go to the Halloween dance with me?" Sharon asked.

"Just a second what were you gonna ask?" Steve flipped his attention back to Bucky.

'I was going to ask you to go with me God damn it.' "It wasn't really important, you two can talk." Bucky reapplied then walking away.

"Oh, okay see ya." Steve called after him.

Bucky began the walk to the dance studio. When he got there he threw his bag into the floor and flopped onto one of the couches in the back.

"What happened?" Peggy sighed.

"Nothing, I'm fine." Bucky mumbled.

"You're laying with your face buried in the couch." Peggy replied, "So boy trouble, girl trouble, other gender trouble?"

"Boy." Bucky mumbled.

"So there is a problem." Peggy sighed, "What happened?"

"I was gonna ask him to the dance this Friday and well, before I could someone else asked him." Bucky answered sitting up. "I shouldn't be upset about it he didn't like me anyway."

"How would you know he doesn't like you, you haven't seen into his mind." Peggy replied.

"He's straight as the bar." (That's a really curved bar then Buck.) Bucky mumbled.

Steve's POV

They're going to be here any minute. Should I change? I should change. But I should be down here when they get here. Maybe I should-

The doorbell rung. 

They're here.

"Hi, you guys can come in." I smiled, opening the door. "The kitchen is in the same place it's always been."

"Thank you Steve." George replied.

Bucky smiled a little when he walked into the house, "This place hasn't changed a bit."

"Not true, we got rid of the possum that had been living under the porch." I joked.

"The one I named, or was that the first possum?" Bucky asked.

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