Ugh, Finally..

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Anyone who had a soulmate usually had a silly or sweet story to tell about how they met. Maybe they met in a coffee shop. Maybe they spilled coffee on one another or became so mesmerized they walked into a wall. Or, perhaps they met in High School in class. They might've had their first kiss at a dance or told one another how in love they were with the other after graduation. In short, each story is unique in it's own way, and special. Yours was like that- only it wasn't silly or sweet. It was a story you couldn't tell and it started off with fear and plenty of mistakes.

No one could know how you truly met Peter- not unless they knew his secret. You two had to come up with a back up story for people not in the loop, like your parents and friends. They couldn't know that you shut your soulmate out when you first met him because he was a web-slinging super hero. You had to tell them that you met in your shared English class. You both lied and said you found out he was your soulmate because you'd accidentally stepped on his foot really hard, hurting him and you. It was a typical normal soulmate story. You were almost upset that you couldn't tell them what really went down- and you almost had to. They were quick to recall that you'd constantly complained of the pains your soulmate gave you. Peter had to stutter out a lie that he was insanely clumsy- however, it wasn't a total lie. He was very clumsy, despite being a nimble hero. It was one of the parts of him you grew to adore endlessly.

You really learned about it on your first date with him in your Junior year. You both had decided to take things slow, become friends first and then start dating. You did take it slow, but your growing feelings didn't make it so easy. You managed though, and started dating in Junior year. You guessed that you should've known about his clumsiness before your first date- but really, he was damn good at hiding it. For your first date, he took you to some Thai place he said he really liked and had hoped you would too. It went well for the most part- at least until he reached for something across the small table and spilled sticky rice pudding all over his pants. He was far from happy about it- but hearing your sweet laughter lessened his anger. From then on, there wasn't a single date where he didn't spill something on himself or trip or even walk into something. He pretended to act bothered by it, but when you laughed like that, he didn't care. You were usually the reason why he was distracted enough to trip or walk into something, so much so even his Spider-Sense couldn't save him.

Believe it or not, your first kiss happened because of his clumsiness, which may or may not be the reason why you adored it so much.

It was another casual date in the summer before your Senior year. An awful heat wave had hit New York and so all you two could really do was get ice cream in a packed ice cream shop. Neither of you knew anyone with a pool and had no means of getting to a beach of any kind. You were grateful just to be somewhere with good A/C (one that wasn't sticking out of a window.). The date was sweet as always and somehow his ice cream didn't melt onto his pants. However, he managed to get chocolate all over his mouth, which he wiped away with a bright blush. You both had stayed there and chatted for a while, enjoying the cool air even after your ice cream was long gone or melted. The streetlights had came on by the time he walked up to your apartment with you, heart pounding away as he thought of what he was about to do.

"I had a good time, thanks for taking me out.."

He smiled softly, "I'm glad. We should do it again soon."

"Yeah. Well I'll see-", you began, moving to turn away and walk into your apartment

"Wait.", he said, reaching for you. He gently took ahold of your arm, leaning forward to press a soft kiss to your cheek, but you ended up turning your head. (How cliche of you, but how could you know what he planned to do?) His lips ended up pressing elsewhere, and no, it wasn't your lips- at least not entirely. His aim was way off. He ended up capturing only part of your upper lip and some of your nose. It was the most awkward and odd first kiss. He was an absolute mess after it happened and you were merely shocked. It was unexpected and barely even a kiss, but the little butterflies it gave you were so wonderful.

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