There Were Two..

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'C'mon Peter. Do it, you have to do it.', he thought to himself.

He had to. He had to turn you over- had to see your face, even if it was for one last time. He was crying and he didn't even care- hot tears spilled out of his eyes from beneath the mask. His emotions were going insane, but he was physically silent. Everyone was. The attacker was down, and you weren't moving. They all heard the shot- they'd all screamed, but no one saw where you were hit exactly. There was so much blood- too much to be just a graze, right? God- he didn't want to do this. He really truly didn't want to do this- how had today gone so wrong? Everything went so smoothly at first. He was able to think clearly for a few hours, he was able to not ache so much over you and you- you were safe just hours ago. Hours- and yet, within seconds, shit hit the fan.

You didn't deserve this- why had this happened? Why would you ever do that? Hadn't you lectured him about being careful- about how easily you could lose him? So what the fuck was this?

Why was he losing you? Like this- of all ways to have to lose you, why did it have to be like this?

Sirens going off in the distance told him that he had to be quick. It was now or never. He had to see- he had to know. He couldn't feel any pain- and he couldn't be sure if it was because you were gone or because you were in too much shock to feel anything yet.

With trembling fingers and choppy breaths, he turned you over, a raw gasp escaping him as he did.

"Oh god.."


Everything was black for the moment. You felt nothing- heard nothing. Your world was eerily silent.

Was this what death was like? Were you dead?God- maybe you shouldn't have done that- maybe you should have let him leave. He had to feel your absence by now- had to feel empty and alone. This wasn't supposed to happen! You were going to find a way- you were going to find some means of telling him what he needed to know. He had to know that you were wrong- that this wasn't some mistake on the universe's part. Yeah- it took him damn near dying for you to see that, but you saw it. You saw how wrong you were and now you were dead. You would never get to tell that yeah, you would always be scared, but you weren't going to leave him. You'd bare the pain he carried and would lift him when the world started to break him down. Now he'd have to do it all alone.

Peter Parker was going to have to live alone- grieving for a soulmate he never got the chance to love or even know. He'd have to live with the bitter knowledge that his soulmate was so scared of the life he lead that she refused to stay- but threw herself at danger and got herself killed. She was terrified of losing him- of dying from the dangerous life he was going to lead- but she left him by doing the same thing he did daily. She threw her own life on the line for the sake of others. For the petrified people in the coffee shop- for the old lady who didn't deserve to be robbed, for all of them.

You think it's a tragic end to what should've been a beautiful story. You think it's wrong and unfair- why does he deserve this? Why do you? Why-

'Oh good fucking hell- ow- what is that?', you think to yourself. You feel a searing white hot pain somewhere on your body. You still can't see, and so you don't know where it is. It feels like your head. It feels like one side of it is on fire- and by god you want it to stop. It hurt like nothing you've ever felt before- and you weren't even sure if it was yours. Weren't you dead- or was this hell? Your own personal hell- one in which you'd feel a pain so severe you wished you could die a second time to be rid of it? Was such a thing even-

"Th-There's so much blood- but I feel her.", a voice whispered. It sounded familiar but you were in too much pain to recall.

"Spider-Man- you have to leave- the police are coming! An ambulance too!"

"I just have to know-"

"Look! Her chests moving, she's okay! Thank you for-"

The voices cut off as you completely blacked out. Either from shock or the pain of your head- you were swallowed up by blackness again.



Something was beeping and it was really annoying. You could also swear you smelled bleach- it wasn't too strong though. It was just there, lingering. The pain you'd felt before was gone, not entirely though. The side of your head still pulsed faintly with a dull ache. It just throbbed for now, but you were sure it would soon get worse. With your luck so far, why wouldn't it?

With a small grunt, you blinked open your eyes, taking in your surroundings. A monitor was at your side, tracking your vitals. You were in a hospital bed- but you were still in the clothes you'd worn to school. Your fingers had a little bit of caked blood on them- you hoped it wasn't your own. However, when your hands gently reached up to touch the part of your head that had been hurting, you figured it probably was your own. For one, it stung a little when you touched it- but that was because there was a bandage on your head that you pressed into your skin. You looked for something reflective- something to be able to see yourself in.

So you were alive? You didn't die- but surely you had to have right? His gun was right in your face- no one survived a gunshot like that- at least not without some sort of life-altering brain damage. Yet here you were, propped up on a hospital bed, breathing. Hell- what time was it? Did your parents know-


He was here.

Here- sitting in that chair, staring at you like a deer caught in headlights. He must have heard you wake up. The room itself was dim, so you didn't notice his figure at first. It must be really late- didn't that mean visiting hours must be over? As glad as you were to see him, you couldn't help but wonder why your parents weren't here. Shouldn't they be? You'd been shot-

His head snapped towards the door- then back to you. 'Be right back.', he mouthed before ducking out the open window of your hospital room.

You wanted to call out to him, but a soft gasp stopped you. A nurse had come in and saw that you were now awake. She explained that you weren't expected to wake until morning, your body needing to rest after it's shock. Also pain meds- those kinda made you drowsy or, they were supposed to. You were wide awake, and she kindly explained to you what had happened. A bullet grazed the side of your head and because of the fear you'd been feeling at the moment it happened, your brain sent your body into shock. You were then rushed to the hospital and treated accordingly. The graze made a gash that had to be stitched- they also had to shave a little of your hair to do so. Now, you had a bandage around your head and some pain medication should you need it. It was four in the morning and your parents wanted to see you, but they weren't allowed until morning.

After she told you all you needed to know and answered the questions you had, she made sure you were okay and went off to see other patients.

Soon enough, he slipped back into your room through your window.

And then there were two..

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