Peter Parker

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All this time he'd spent feeling like he was gonna live his life alone- all his life spent wondering why the world didn't give him a soulmate- and she'd been right here this whole time? You'd sat right in front of him for months now- how had he never noticed, how had he never known? True, he'd never seen you face to face- and he's never had to interact with you but- really? You? Shouldn't he have known- shouldn't he have felt some instant immense love for you- or did that only happen when you two locked eyes? Would it happen?

He had no way of knowing. He met you as Spider-Man, not Peter Parker- but would you even like him as Peter Parker? Would you even like him at all? Peter couldn't answer all the questions flying in his head and he wished he could. He'd dreamed of having a soulmate for so long- yearned to know that there was someone out there in this world that was made for him. Someone who would love him for all that he was and all that he would be- so why was this happening? Why was his own soulmate running from him- why couldn't he approach you? You were right there- right in front of him every other day. Block 6 for AP English III- and he stared at the back of your head every single class period.

He stole glances at you in the halls- watched you at your locker. Sometimes he even trailed you on your walk home- but only to be sure you were safe. Or to be sure he was close if you screamed for him-

He didn't mean to come off as creepy. He just- he was so confused! He understood what could happen if you two were together- he fully knew the dangers but.. surely the world knew too? It had to didn't it? It had to know how his life would turn out- had to know just what kind of soulmate he would need. Soulmates were made for each other- everyone knew that. There was no one in the world that would love you like your soulmate- no one that could give you the life your soulmate could. That's why people without were either sad or forever angry. Some even numbed themselves to the point of not caring.

Surely this could work out? This was obviously how this was supposed to be. He was made for you, and you for him.

So why couldn't he just approach you?

Your mind was still spinning. It all made sense now- all the pain you'd felt for the longest time but- gosh it was still insane. Your soulmate was a super-hero. A guy with super strength and the ability to stick to anything- a guy who was made just for you. Why though? Why had the world decided you needed a super-hero, and why had it decided a super-hero needed you? You were normal- you went to classes, after school activities and went straight home. Sometimes you hung out with friends- sometimes you went out to your favorite café. You've only been to a handful of parties, all of which were rather small and not too memorable. You weren't crazy strong or amazingly smart. You certainly had no powers- so why?

That was what you wanted to know. The why. You thought heroes were only paired up with other heroes- or at the least people with the strength and drive to be able to handle the life they led. You weren't sure if you had that. You'd felt his pain- felt what he went through almost every day and now you knew why. Could you really handle knowing he was out throwing himself at danger? Would you ever be strong enough to?

Would you forgive the world if he died saving it?

You sighed to yourself, wanting to say yes, but you knew it was a lie. No one would ever forgive the world if their soulmate died saving it. The world could burn for all they cared- just spare their one true love and all their loved ones. That was the scary part of it all, you could lose him at any given moment. You couldn't live a normal life with him. You couldn't get some big house outside the city and live life quietly-

You paused slightly, feeling like you were being followed home again. This had been happening for a few weeks now- ever since you'd met your soulmate and ran from him. Though this definitely couldn't be him. This was some regular boy. A boy you knew as Peter, though only because your English teacher called him out on staring at you last week. You had been trying to ignore his stares- but him following you home was starting to bother you. What in the hell was he following you for? Why couldn't he be more damn subtle about it?


You whirled around quickly, shocking yourself at how fast you moved, "Dude, what the fuck is your issue? Why are you following me?!", you hissed, eyes glaring into his dark brown ones.

He just stared, seemingly shocked that he'd been caught- and even more shocked that you spoke to him.

"Well?!", you nearly yelled when you got no response, throwing your hands up. You were so frustrated you didn't feel it- the pull. Everyone had a tie to their soulmate- but regardless of if they knew it was them or not, they always felt a pull towards them when they were around them. It was subtle when you didn't know- but when you did? Oh it was powerful. Especially if it was only being felt by one half of the pair.

He could tell you weren't feeling it- and it bothered him. Why didn't you feel it? Why didn't you know? Couldn't you see the look in his eyes? Couldn't you feel the little trickle of familiarity in the back of your mind? Something- anything?

"Hello? You gonna answer or are you gonna continue to be a fucking creep?! I don't have all damn day!"

He clenched his jaw, practically screaming in his mind, 'Recognize me! See me!' Fuck- why was this so difficult? He knew that by telling you who he was, he'd be revealing his identity but- you were supposed to know! You were supposed to be with him- supposed to love him and he was supposed to love you!

'See me- recognize me! I'm yours!'

"Answer me-!"

Scrunching his face up, he lifted his foot off of the concrete, raising it high before slamming it back down onto his other foot hard. It hurt- oh it hurt like hell. With his strength- surely he broke a toe or two, but they would heal. He would be fine because..because you saw.

You saw him.

You finally saw him- and at that, you screamed. He wasn't sure if it was pain or anger, but he knew he would find out in a few moments.

Spider-Man was your soulmate- and normal and somewhat geeky Peter Parker was Spider-Man..

Holy shit-

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