what should i say?

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*hannah's pov*

so its been about an hour so we have to skype call now...i was the first one ready i think...jason joined the call...great just great :l

"uh so...whats up?" - jason

"uh...er...nothing much i guess...you?" - hannah

"im doing good just sad...and mad at myself...well do you like wanna hang out...since we are all friends now?" - Jason

"uh sure i guess..." - hannah

"how about tomorrow?" - jason

"ya! sure" - hannah

some people joined the call

"heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy dawn is hereeeeeeeeeeeeee" - dawn

"ugh *facepalm* dawn...nvm" - tyler

"what bitch?...ugh nvm im gonna try not to swear...i was dared trough twitter not to swear for a WEEK FOR A FUCKING WEEK HOW CAN I HANDLE FUCKEN THAT? HUH... see i cant stand like 1 hour with out swearing" - dawn

"we can all see that and did you call me a bitch? i perfer 'bitch-ass-bitch' ugh get it right" - tyler

"ok or i can just give you a nickname...hmm ty-ty? no adam calls ty that #skylox...hmmm idk ty-ty number 2!" - dawn

"1st is the worst 2nd is the best!" - tyler

*facepalm* - dawn

"well lets all meet up outside of hotel then we can go...wait is preston coming?" - sierra

"ya he is the lava mob is quite lonely." - mitch

"lol lets just meet up in a few" - jerome

*dawn's pov*

i got my phone and some cash then headed out

i got down and waited till the others came

"ok lets go and eat pizza and other things...ok i have to ask who is gonna get drunk?" - dawn

"maybe a few people or most people why?" - tyler

"cuz i dont like to drink and i wanna know who will get full out drunk..." - dawn

"ok well lezzgo!" - dawn

*time skip till they got there*

"we are here yay!" i ran in "hi barbra! we would like a table for hmm...let me count adam,seto,mitch,fish,fluffy,ty,ian,jason,jaxson,tyler,sierra,hannah,me,levi,ash,angle,madness,nolan wait he said he cant make it :P, so about 17 :P if you have even have enough seats" - dawn

"we might have to put a few tables together to fit cuz you are regulars when you use to live here" - barbra

"thanks brarb :D" - dawn

"its gonna take a few minutes though so do you want arcade tolkens?" - barbra

"YA!! here is $50 for tolkens for all of us" - dawn

she handed me 24,000 tolkens 2,000 tolkens for each of us

i walked to the people that i came with

"here biiiii-enches there is for the arcade 2k tolkens for each of us i already got mine so HAHAHAHA I GET TO PLAY FIRST!" - dawn someone grabbed my waist i looked behind me. tyler

"hey your not going with out me baby gurl (I DID CUZ A PERSON SAID IT WOULD BE CUTE :3)" - tyler

"wa? babygurl? and fine hurry up and get your tolkens." - dawn. he went and got his tolkens

"oOooHh little dawn and a boyfriend" - preston

"lol no shut up lava mob i will put you out with water" - dawn. but he was starring at someting behind me. so i looked and saw a girl. she had long wavy auburn hair with purple tips, blue-gray eyes, and dressed like a tomboy

"go talk to her it looks like you like her...go litlle purston go!"- dawn. i pushed him towards her direction

"i got my tolkens now lets go!" - tyler

*ty's pov*

"uh hi madness" - ty as she showed up at the front desk (madness  need a name i forgot to ask xD)

'woah she's really pretty' she has electric blue hair that gets darker as it gets longer, she had brown eyes and sun tanned skin and is wearing a tank top with shorts

she blushed


'did i really say that out loud?'

"ya...you are really nice...and nice headphones they are like the ones on your MC skin" - madness

"oh i guess i forgot to take them off after recording...woops" i stood there for like a minute staring at her

"wanna go inside?" - ty


"we have arcade tokens we each have 2k for arcade games" - ty

"cool! well lets get playing!"

*preston pov*

dawn shoved me towards the girl

"hi im preston! and one of my friends shoved me here! she is really really not nice!" - preston

"i can still hear you. you salty cactus!!" - dawn

"well hi im whitney" she was kinda shy "but you can call me whit"

"well i have 2k tokens wanna play with me? i dont think i can handle that much by myself and you seem nice enough to share things with so here in 1k and my number and skype" ( i litterly facepalmed i could have written something better *facepalm* ) she smiled

"thanks im gonna reck you doe!" she said and ran to the arcade i ran off after her. dawn gave me the thumbs up

*dawns pov*

"well looks like preston has a girl now who would have tough?" - dawn xD

"i have no idea...but can i ask you something?" - tyler

"sure you can ask away!" - dawn

"do you er like er wanna go out sometime?" - tyler. he was soooo nervous


hey guys whats up sorry this was up so late perptualjordan's (idk how to spell his name :/) stream went on for longer than i expected but i got this up! yay!

so whitney is @MajorAnimeGeek and

madness is @madnessinfinity ...ugh forgot to add angle wut eves ill do it next chp :P

well see you guys later! love you all :D

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