*insert name here*

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*dawns's pov*

so...its about 11 P.M we just finished watching al ze toy story movieh's and jaxson got a text he looked kinda scared

" jaxson wuts wrong?" sierra asked

"er i have to go...er sorry see you at class tomorrow guys!" He smiled and left. At least he's nice...unlike Jason or TC

"See ya!" Sierra smiled. After he left I said

"So whittle Sierra has a crush?"

"Er no I don't!"


"Er guys I'm still here" Tyler said

"Can we talk about boys with you aunty jennet?" I asked

He laughed

"Sure Hun" he said in her voice and pinched my cheeks

"So dawn who you like?" Sierra asked


"Bull shit gurl, I won't tell" Tyler said

"Er I'll give you a hint, his name begins with a 'T' "

"Er Taylor or antvenom?" Sierra guessed

"No and I'm.not.telling"

"Is it meh sweet cheeks" Tyler said with his jennet voice. I lightly blushed but thank goodness the room was dark

"No aunty jennet" I poked his cheek

"Welp idk why you would not like this" he started doing poses *facepalm*

"Er ok...Tyler"

Sierra turned the lights on but they almost instantly turned off...are we having a black out?

"Er Sierra turn the lights back on plz..."

"Er sorry dawn...I can't teh lights are out"

"W-what Tyler I'm startled!" So I jumped on him but he fell with meh on tip of him

"Er sorry" I blushed like crazy. Than I felt something on meh lips...it felt like a pair of lips (does that cunfuzzle you guys?)...waz it Tyler's lips

"That's between us" Tyler whispers in my ear. Of corse I blushed like crazy...

"Er guys are you still on the floor"Sierra asked

"Ya gonna trying to find me phone if dawn would get off of me" Tyler said

"Er sorry"

someone ran trough the hall yelling "SCHOOL TOMORROW IS CANCELED KIDS!!!" I think it was mr. YouTube

"HELL YUS!" Tyler yelled " well imma sleep...can I sleep here? The hallz are dark and meh phone dead..."

"Awww is Tyler afraid of the dark?" I taunted him and poked his cheek

"Fuck off dawn and I'm sleeping here" he laughed

"Er well I'm gonna go to sleep in meh dorm...see ya pplz later!" Sieera said and walked to her room

"Well...we are alone...wanna Finnish what we started earlier?" He asked


"Lol just kidding dawn...you should see your face xD" he laughed

"Fuck you"

"I know you would" he joked

"Erg asshole now sleep on teh couch!" I said

"But you don't have a couch..."oh...forgot about that...

"Er well...you get one half of the bed and I get the other than...er..." Cuz I ain't fudging sleeping on teh floor

"Ok" he moved to the bed and took his shirt off and his pants off and got under teh covers

"Er...imma change..." I said and grabbed my night clothes went to the bathroom and changed came back and slept on my side


Hey I wanted to publish a chp cuz I was bored and no one was updating :( ...er so ya (I think I say 'er' a lot...)-dawnwolf

Fact # 6 - I live in ND

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