Chapter 17 [End]

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You can cry about this being the end here now.

As soon as those words left his lips, you knew that you had to run. You turned around to run and went sprinting away. You heard his voice saying, "Oh no you don't.." Before someone grabbed your wrist and soon multiple people were trying to take you back to him. You bit, thrashed around, did everything in your power to get away, but the guards were too strong and there was just so many of them as well.

They threw you down in front of the steps, with you on your knees. They held you down and they made sure all escape routes were blocked. You picked your head up and glared at the man you oh so despised. Your hair also hanged a bit in your face just making you look even more angsty and angry as well.

He just smiled at you with his devilish smile and his eyes held a glint of victory in them as well. He snapped his fingers and a person immediately handed him your file. He gave it a quick glance through and let out some hums every once and a while, some out of approval and others of discontent.

After reading he slammed the folder shut. "'Died by commuting suicide in form of sacrifice by stabbing herself in the heart. Motives: Getting away from her beloved and trying to save others from his wrath.' I believe that is what the folder said? Am I correct?"

People nodded and said that he was definitely correct, praising him on his intellect. Brown nosers. "'Place of death: Hallway outside of kitchen in my palace.' Am I correct again?"

The same responses came once again. He let out a tsking noise at me. "Y/n, y/n, y/n. You were supposed to be in your cage, waiting for me to come back, you naughty, naughty girl."

Did we seriously have to do this around such a crowd? "And committing suicide too, just to escape me as well," He said and then started tsking at me once again and wagging his finger at me, "Very, very naughty of you. I thought after putting you in your cage would've taught you better."

Oh heck yeah, like putting me in a cage would discourage my escape. "But.."

He stood up, his arms spread out as if expecting a hug with a soft smile on his face but his eyes held a look of pure insanity as well. "I suppose you're a special exception. All is forgiven. Now, come to me, my little marionette~"

The guards picked me up by putting their arms under my arm pits and then lifting me up and basically forming an arm throne. Two guards went in front of me with their swords/Spears crossed over each other, causing a blockade of sorts.

They walked me up the many steps, and soon took the long walk to his throne. While I was being carried, everything seemed in slow motion but at the same time entirely too fast. Natemare was sitting on his throne, with his arms somewhat spread apart, with his very devilish and psychopathic smile on his face. The way things were right now somewhat reminded me of a fly headed to a Venus fly trap, expecting to get some sweet, sweet nectar and food, but is slowly headed to its inevitable death.

All too soon we had reached his throne and the guards in front of me uncrossed their Spears and went to either side of his throne.

I was lowered down and his arms came up to grab me in his embrace as he set me down on his lap. I had a feeling that this time his arms will really never let me go.

I felt his hand stroke through my hair as the other rested on my hip, keeping me in place. His eyes wandered from every part of my face, examining and most likely memorizing every single feature down to every freckle and every pore.

His hand stopped stroking my hair as it raised to my face and stroked my cheeks and the rest of my face a bit. After a bit he grabbed my face and turned it this way and that, getting better views of each side of my face. He gave me a light kiss on the forehead and soon started trying other people in the court. He seemed to be extremely bored with this process and tried to go through it as quickly as possible.

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