Promise Me

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You blinked your eyes open, trying to regain your lost vision. Finally you could make out where you were. You seemed to be on a fainting couch in some room. There was a large window that had a large courtyard outside of it.

You could hear the birds chirping a happy little tune as they flew around. You could see bright botanical flowers and tropical bushes and trees outside. It was quite gorgeous.

You were snapped out of your thoughts as you heard a door click open. You saw Nate's head peek in before he fully stepped into the room. "Morning, sleeping beauty." You scooted back into the couch as much as you could, "STAY AWAY FROM ME!" "Relax, I'm not going to hurt you, I'm not like Natemare." "Then what exactly are you?" He took a breath in then out. "Natemare is a demonic god like being, he has been around since almost the beginning of time and he chose to haunt me ever since I was born. We were basically arch enemies, and I had to live with the fact of him being in my head for all eternity. That was until we found something we could agree on, that thing was you."

You were much confusion right now. "I knew I couldn't woe you so when Mare offered that we shared the same body I accepted, after all we both win. Anywho, I brought you some brownies and lemonade." (FYI: These are southern made brownies and lemonade, which the South has like some of the best cooking out there, trust me. You haven't lived if you've never had country cooking.)

You got flashbacks of you baking brownies with your Oma (German word for grandma) and sitting on the porch while watching birds. This moment actually reminded you of that.

You nodded and bit into the nice, soft and warm brownie as the tasted covered your mouth. You then rinsed it down with some nice refreshing lemonade.

"Anywho, I'm here right now because Mare thought it was best if I greeted you first so I didn't scare you. He should be here at some point. Also, you won't be seeing me for a long while, FYI."

You then heard something scratching at the door. Nate opened it and in cake a doggo. The pupper ran up to you wanting the pets, so you complied. The doggo was loving you immediately as you scratched behind the ears. "Oh, that's my dog, Rylo."

You knew you and him were going to be fast friends. "Ahem." You begrudgingly looked up to see Natemare sitting at a chair while Nate glared at him. "Times up, Nate. So say goodbye, since this may be the last time you see her."

You scooted away more and held the pupper close to you, protecting him. "Get away from me!" Nate gave you a shocked look.

"You can see him?" "Of course she can see me, you imbecile. I'm in here mind also. Now, I think you've overstayed your welcome, Nate."

And just like that Nate disappeared. Natemare's head turned around slowly to look at you. It was creepy to say the least.

"Good afternoon, beautiful."

You stayed quiet and still.

"Geez, no 'Good afternoon, handsome'?"

He just sighed at seeing my unresponsiveness. "Well, are you going to hug your fiancé and saving grace?"

You shook your head back and forth, no. "Then I guess I'll have to come to you then."

In a millisecond he was right besides you, hugging you tightly. "I'm sorry I left for so long, but there's a lot of work to be done after taking over the world. I really wanted to get you earlier, trust me." Still nothing. He looked me up and down, humming. "Strange, you usually fight back or something, which I'm fine with but you're also unresponsive."

I just sat still. "Is something wrong? Because I took care of the person who was stealing from you, I killed them. I made sure your parents and cat went to heaven. So what's wrong! Why are you so unresponsive!?"

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