Chapter 13

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"Grandma, at least let me help you through the door," I pleaded. I reached for her arm and she snatched it away and whacked me upside the head.

"I can walk, child. If anyone needs help walking the door, it's you. You look terrible," Grams shrugged.

"Are you still mad that I didn't tell you about the Talisman?" I groaned.

"Psh. You neglected to tell me that you were dying. There's no way I'm mad about that," She glared. I sighed and pushed through the door, Ty and Oliver glued to my sides. Grams had just been released from hospital after her heart attack. I was still worried about her but she seemed pretty back to normal. I raised my elbow to my mouth and coughed, attracting the worried glances of Curly and Mo.

"Are you okay?" Ty and Oliver asked in unison.

"I'm fine. It's just dusty in here," I laughed. They raised an eyebrow at me and I sighed. "Guys, seriously!"

"Fine, fine. Whatever you say," Oliver sighed.

"Whatever but I don't buy it," Ty glared. I huffed an exasperated groan and stalked to my room, leaving the boys chasing after me.

"You know, you don't have to follow me around guys, I'm fine," I said, sitting down at the edge of my bed.

"Well, if I didn't follow you, what else would I do?" Oliver smirked. I shot him a glare and turned to Ty, who was very pale and shaking.

"Ty?" I asked worriedly, jumping to my feet painfully. "Ty!"

"Catalyst," He whispered. I put my hands on the sides of his face and inspected him.

"Ty what is it? Please tell me," I pleaded.

"B- Blood," He whispered and pointed a shaking had at my shoulder. I looked down to find that my pale grey shirt was soaked in blood on my shoulder. Oliver dashed to my side and I pulled down the corner of my shirt. My Talisman of Death was bleeding. I looked up at Ty, who looked on the verge of passing out.

"Grams!" I screamed.

"What is it?" She asked as she walked into the room. She stopped in her tracks when she saw my bloody shirt, then looked to Ty.

"Get him out!" I shouted. Grams grabbed Ty by the shoulders, forcing him from the room despite his quiet, muttered protests. Once he was gone, I ripped off my shirt, revealing my equally bloody tank top, and held it to my mark.

"What was his deal?" Oliver asked as he paced the room.

"Ty has a terrible fear of blood. He can't stand seeing people's blood, especially mine. In the fifth grade, I cut my hand really bad and he freaked and passed out," I sighed and winces as I removed the tshirt and grabbed a towel to replace it. I twisted the ring he had given me with my thumb and sighed.

"I'm sure he'll be fine, Cat. Question is, will you be?" Oliver asked, sitting down beside me. "You're still bleeding a good deal."

"I'm fine, just a little light headed. It should stop pretty soon," I said, pealing the bloody towel away from my mark to inspect it.

"You know what this means right?" Oliver asked quietly.

"Yeah. I have to draw the Talisman tonight," I sighed. "But I don't know if I can."

"You won't be able to with that mind set," Oliver smiled and placed his hand under my chin. "Think positive."

"Think positive? Is that supposed to be some dead person joke?" I laughed.

"Yes and no," He smirked. "But seriously. Believe in yourself."

"I'll try, Tinkerbell the friendly ghost," I laughed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2014 ⏰

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