Chapter 11

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I shivered and Oliver wrapped his arms around me, trying to warm me. Ty was pacing the floor infront of my bed, where Oliver and I were currently laying. I had called Ty right after Oliver informed me of my Talisman issue. I didn't tell him exactly what the situation was until he had gotten here because I didn't want him to panic, like he  was doing at the moment, in the car and get into an accident.

"W- will you please s- stop pacing? Y- your making me n- nervous," I chattered. Ty stopped and sat down on my bed, his head resting in his hands.

"Ty, come on. Oliver said there might be a way to reverse it. P- please calm down," I pleaded.

"How am I supposed to calm down when my best friend might only have a few weeks to live?" He said quietly, his voice strained.

"I... I don't know. But please try. For me?" I said softly.

He nodded his head and looked up at me, his eyes glassy. "What does Oliver say we can do?"

I turned to face Oliver and he sat thinking for a moment. "We could get Sam to reverse it with a Talisman of Life, but I doubt he'd do it. The only one who can place a counter Talisman on you is the person who put the first one there in the first place," He said quietly.

I repeated what Oliver had said to Ty and he shook his head. "There has to be something else we can try."

"Well," Oliver said, staring at the wall. "Sam might remove it for a price. Most likely a sacrfice."

"No way," I said shaking my head.

"No way what?" Asked Ty.

"Nothing," I sighed and turned back to Oliver. "Anything else?"

"If we can find pre written Talisman of Life, once you die, you can be brought back. But that's very hard to do and Talismans of Life are very rare," He sighed. "Very few people even know what it looks like."

"So there is nothing I can do huh?" I said quiety and Ty's head shot up.

"There has to be something!" He shouted and jumped up from his seat.

"Ty, it's over. There's no other way," I said firmly.

"I refuse to believe that Catalyst," He said, setting his jaw. "Would you if you were in my position?"

I sighed and shook my head slowly. "No... I wouldn't give up until the end."

"And neither will I," Ty stated in a hard voice.

Ty started pacing again, deep in thought. I sighed softly and layed my head against Oliver's chest, absorbing his warmth. I looked up at him and he sighed saddly.

"I'll find a way Catalyst. Count on it," Oliver whispered softly in my ear. I simply nodded and scooted even clse to him, shivering. He enveloped his arms around me and I felt warm and safe.

"Hey Oliver?" I said quietly.

"Yeah Cat?" He inquired.

"What will you do when I'm gone?" I asked in a whisper, careful not to let Ty hear me.

"It won't come to that," He said, dragging a hand down my spine.

"But if it does?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Then I'll go back to wandering, I guess," He said quietly, sqeezing his eyes shut.

"So I won't become a spirit?" I asked.

"You might, you might not. It's a fifty fifty shot. But if you did, I would search for you," He said and pressed his lips to my forehead lightly, only causing a soft shock of heat.

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