Chapter 10

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I twisted the ring that Ty had given me for my birthday nervously on my finger as I waited for the bell to ring, signaling the end of the school day. In the corner of the room, a spirit was crumpled, her matted hair tangled with twigs and leaves. She wore a blood stained grey tshirt and torn jeans. She had been smiling at me for the past forty minutes. Oliver told me to just ignore her but I couldn't. There was something about her.

As far as I could tell, she wasn't coming near me because of Oliver's perch my my side. It had been at least two weeks since Sam attacked me and the spirits had been fairly quiet. No suprises or anything. But there was something about this particular spirit that set me on edge. She looked... Familiar. I couldn't quite put my finger on in but I know I knew her.

I glanced at her again and she wiggled her fingers at me in responce. I bristled and looked away quickly, trying to avoid further eye contact. The bell finally rang and I jumped up from my seat, barely giving myself time to grab my bag, and bolted to the door. I ignored the odd looks my classmates were giving me as I hurried down the hall to my locker, Oliver hot on my heals.

When I finally made it, I threw my locker open and shoved my book inside and slammed the door shut.

"Hey, Cat, What's up with you?" Ty asked me, casting a curious glance at me as he opened his locker.

I shook my head with a sigh. "Just a spirit."

Ty shot a worried look at me and I shook my head again, reading his expression. "I wasn't attacked, I just saw her and it put me on edge, that's all," I said and watched him visually relax.

"Good," He sighed then raised an eyebrow. "What about her freaked you out?"

"She looked familiar for some reason," I shook my head, stumped. "I don't know."

"Oh well" He said lightly. "Let's get you home."

"Deal," I sighed.

On the ride home, I couldn't get the image of the girl out of my mind. Her pale blonde hair and dark grey eyes flashed across my mind every time I closed my eyes.

I stared out the window, dropping my forehead against the glass with a sigh. I watched the trees blur by when a girl caught my attention. It was the spirit from earlier. She was clinging to a tree with a terrified look on her face. I blinked in shock. I recognized that expression. An image flashed across my mind and I shuddered. I know who it is.

"Ty, do you still have your yearbook from the third grade?" I asked him.

He raised an eyebrow at me and nodded. "Yeah I've got it. Why?"

"I know who I saw," I sighed saddly.

Ty gave me another curious glance before turning towards his house instead of mine. We pulled into his driveway and hopped from the car. He lead me into the house and his mother appeared from the kitchen, an apprin tied around her waist.

"Oh Catalyst dear! It's so good to see you!" Ms. Donavan beamed and drew me into a hug. I smiled as I drew back from her.

"It's good to see you too," I smile warmly. Ty's mother had always loved me and got very excited whenever I came over. She also had the crazy idea that Ty and I were gonna get married one day drilled into her brain. Where that came from? I have no idea.

"Has my boy been treating you right?" She asked, patting Ty's cheek. I nodded and supressed a laugh while Ty waved his mother hand away.

"Cat!" screamed a small voice from the hall.

"Hey Tristan!" I smiled as Ty's little brother ran towards me and wrapped his arms around my legs. Tristan was 4 and he was also convinced that he was in love with me.

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