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Hi guys! Long time no see! I'm so sorry I've got this out so late. I tried updating earlier, however writing has been a bit of struggle for me lately. It's harder for me to see the words I'm typing. I'll either see double or it gets really blurry. But I started writing this a few days ago so I was thankfully able to finish it. Hope you enjoy!

Jada POV~

It was hard feeling this weak. I'd never felt so drained and slow in my life. I was so used to feeling my power surge through me and lately, unless I activated them, I didn't feel my powers at all. 

I couldn't stay up long, I couldn't move too much, and if I used my powers it was only for a short time. Everything for me was so... limited.

Granddaddy comes in my room one morning with a glass full of a glowing substance.

"What's that?" I asked, sitting up in my bed. 

"It's a healing potion I created," He said. "It should help regain your strength and energy."

"Why didn't you give this to me sooner?"

"It takes a while to perfect. I put more of anything and it could kill you."

I froze. Now I wasn't sure whether or not I actually wanted to drink this stuff. 

"It's not going to kill you," Robert tells me. "I tested it first."

I nodded, taking the glass. Drinking it, it tasted gross and was kind've thick. I gulped it all down though and quivered.

"That's disgusting!" I gag.

"Not everything is going to taste great, cutie pie."

"When will I feel better?" 

"In about 30 minutes. The medicine has to enter your blood stream and your body will soon digest it. Afterwards, you'll feel good as new."

I smiled, hugging him.

"Thank you," I say. He hugged me back and smiled,

"Of course, baby girl. You are my grand baby after all."

As Granddaddy exited, I followed.

"Hey granddaddy?" I called. He looks back. "How long have you known how to make healing potions?"

He chuckles, going into the kitchen. I sit at the table as he washes the glass.

"For years. You see, like your brother and yourself, I have powers too."

I nodded, remembering him healing my hand. 

"You have healing powers, right?"

"Not just healing powers," Robert leads me to the background and takes a deep breath. His eyes were closed and I could tell he was focusing. His hands soon formed lightning bolts and he threw them. I marveled at his power. 

"Wait, your power is just like-"

"Yours? I know. You inherited your power elemental power from me. Mine is just more enhanced."

"Would I ever be that strong?" I asked.

"With practice, yes? I could teach you."

I smiled brightly. I was never able to continue my training with Luna since the fire. Learning how to enhance my powers would be great.

"I would love that! Could you teach me how to make potions too?"

Granddaddy smiled and nodded. 

Soon, I was starting to feel like myself. I could feel my powers surging through my veins again and I smiled, looking at Granddaddy.

"My powers," I say, I made purple fire with my hands, "I feel like myself again."

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