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Chapter by poeticallycreative who has a story out! Go check it out!! Anyways you all know I'm not the only one who created this story.. Anyways, here's chapter three.


Huey's POV

It's like I became oblivious to my surroundings as I stood there, wide eyed, in shock. Watching the house I grew up in burn to the ground. I felt myself falling out of existence. I felt the world around me starting to collapse and soon...i felt myself drifting off.

~3 Hours Later~

"WHAT THE HELL! WH-” I stopped mid sentence as I notice my surroundings. I'm laying by a dumpster while Riley's standing over me. I figured he had just thrown a bucket of water in my face.

"Finally yo ass woke up," Riley says, sitting down beside me.

"What happened?” I asked, sitting up wincing in pain. “And where the hell are we? and-” I stopped mid sentence finally gaining my memory back, remembering about the house burning up along with our parents.

Riley looked down in sadness.

"Fuck!” I whisper quietly to myself trying to grasp onto the fact that I just lost my parents.

"Riley, I got th-" Jada says coming from around the corner with food in her hands. She stops mid sentence when she sees me. She hands the food to Riley and then hugs me.

I just stared at her and I didn't hug back. For some reason, I felt emotionless, or maybe I just don't have the strength to show affection right now.

"Huey, oh my gosh you’re awake!" she exclaims, letting go of me.

"How long was I out? Do you know where we're at?" I asked dusting myself off, standing up.

"No. Riley carried you all the way here tho, and you were out for at least 3 hours” Jada says.

"I didn't need you to do that,” I said, looking at Riley.

"Damn, you can at least say thank you cause yo ass was heavy,” Riley snaps, taking a bite out of the burger that Jada bought.

"Let's go. We don't have much time until they realize we're still alive,” I tell them, beginning to walk. Riley and Jada walks behind me.

"Who's even after us?” Jada questions.

"I don't know, but whoever they are, burned down our home, killing our parents and I'm sure we were supposed to die along with the house.”

"This can't be happening,” Jada says, “I'm not ready for this shit!”

"Jay, it's ok,” Riley says, putting an arm over her shoulder trying to give comfort. She pushes him off.

"No, it's not ok! Nothing's fucking ok! Our parents just died so we have no parents and nowhere to go!" She yells.

I turn around and face her,

"You got us! We got each other. We're in this together.” I tell her.

“Listen, I will find out who did this and I'll kill them my damn self. But for now you… We gotta hold it together."

"Hell naw, you’s not takin all the credit nigga! Ima catch me a body too! They killed our fuckin parents! Our ma and pops!” Riley says trying to hold back his tears. “And whether you like or not, I'm doin that shit with you.”

I roll my eyes,

"Alright. Well for now, I'm in charge. So I'm gonna lead us out of this bullshit and find us somewhere to stay.”

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