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Longtime no see y'all! Sorry for late updates, I've been so busy. I'm in the step team, my school is hours away, and I've been so tired to do anything! But here we are! This chappy was created by the lovely poeticallycreative. Hope you enjoy!

"Aye pass the weed nigga!" I say cutting my eyes at Ed. He's had it for about 3 minutes now and I'm ready to hit it again. Trying weed is now one of the best experiences in my life.

"Ight nigga just hold yo horses. I gots way more where that came from," Ed smirks as he pulls out this huge sack of weed from underneath the seat cushion. My eyes widen, "Yoo where y'all gettin all this good shit from?" I question them, staring at the big bag amazed.

"How do we know you not a fed?" Rummy questions.

"Or a nark?" Ed adds.

"And what's with this thingy above yo head Reezy?" Cindy questions waving her hand above my head as the tension in the limo arises.

Out of nowhere, the limo abruptly stops. "Aye man what the fuck you stoppin for?" Rummy questions, taking his gun out.

"Some weirdo with a Afro and a bird on his shoulder just came out of nowhere and now he's standing in front of the limo." The driver responds, lighting a cigar.

We all look through the windshield and it's no doubt Huey Mchater standing in front of the limo.

"Well...run him over then nigga whatchu waitin on?" Ed says. The driver starts driving. I sigh. "Wait, no stop!...." I shout causing them all to look at me In confusion. "That's my...brother." I admit looking down.

A silence grew within the car. Then they all just start hysterically laughing. "Yo your brothers' a weirdo. He look like one of those niggas that supports trump!" Cindy giggles while ed and rummy are dying laughing.

"Isn't that the nigga we just seen a while ago?" Ed questions still laughing. I nod my head.

He comes to the back and taps on my window. I let it down.

"Riley, get of the car now. We're going home." Huey demands.

"Yea, our home," I say putting emphasis on the word home, getting out the limo. I stop for a second and then get back in the limo.

Huey sighs. "Riley, what the hell you are doing? didn't I just say--"

"Ya ya whatever, I ain't goin. I think Imma stay here and chill with my new niggas. I'll be home later." I grouch cutting Huey off.

He sighs, "Riley, if I have to repeat myself, I'm--"

"Can't you see he's busy nigga!" Ed buts in causing Huey to slit his eyes at him scowling.

"I don't think I was talking to you Eminem." Huey says causing us to burst out in laughter. It was kind of funny.

Ed gets out the car and points his gun at Huey. My eyes widen. "Yo that ain't necessary, I'm just bout to go to the house with his punk ass." I say trying to save ed's ass, gettin out of the car.

Huey smirks. "You sure you know to use that gun?" Huey sarcastically asks staring him in his eyes. Now I know this nigga starts acting crazy when he get to smirkin so I already know something crazy is about to happen.

Surprisingly ed just stands there in fear. I don't know what's going on but this tension is making me uncomfortable.

"Yo reezy, what's going on?" Cindy whispers to me, silently getting out of the car.

I shrug my shoulders. "I honestly don't know," I say in all honesty. Something like this has never happened when a conflict comes about.

Jada flies to me, landing on my shoulder. "Have you ever seen him like this?" She chirps. I only understood the chirp because our mom taught us how to.

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