Chapter 11

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Boboiboy woke up with a cat standing on his chest, staring straight into his eyes. He did the first thing that came to instinct: roll off the bed and land on his face. The feline jumped off him before he hit the floor.

Though the landing was unintended, it still did good to jolt his senses awake. Where was he?

The green cat purred in concern. The bell on its neck jingled.

Boboiboy's insides felt like they were going to burst. Not with sickness, but with power. Lightning surged through his veins. His blood ran with compressed thunderstorms. The power screamed to be released, louder than before.

He held his forehead in his palm, struggling to rise back to the bed. This wasn't his room in TAPOPS. This is TAPOPS, but it's not somewhere he was familiar with. He failed. The surging power made it hard for him to move. One movement and a silver lightning bolt erupted from his skin.

"Are you okay, Boboiboy?" the bell asked.

He blinked harshly. The light looked too unnatural. The electricity in the machines and lights hummed in his ears. He could hear every electric pulse, any spark created from friction.

Was he hallucinating? Was he dead? Why was he here? Is that bell talking? Why was a cat on him?

His fingers trembled. He raised his right hand, but his watch wasn't there. It was gone. It answered his question on his sudden discomfort. The watch didn't hold any powers, but it was a suppressor. The body that Boboiboy held was too great for him to control freely. He had created the watch so he could control the elements better. Now with it gone, he's losing control.

"My watch," he rasped, panic lacing his voice. Silver lightning traced his skin and made its way towards the other medical appliances. Lights short-circuited. Machines malfunctioned all over the station. The roar of thunder bellowed over TAPOPS. "Where's my watch?"

"Boboiboy? Are you fine?" the bell asked again.

Now he was sure he was hallucinating. His mind started to go blank. His eyes clouded over. He was losing control fast, and he didn't want to.

"Watch," he forced out.

Cattus and Bellbot were worried, but they couldn't do much. The best they could do is help him find his watch and figure out what's going on.

The young feline bolted out of the infirmary, past workers of TAPOPS, rooms, dorms and machinery, until they had finally reached the laboratory where his watch was being kept.

With Bellbot's systems, the door opened for them. Cattus darted in and pounced on the nearest teammate he could find, latching onto the green and yellow fabric with his teeth. The wearer of the clothes jumped in alarm.

"There's something on my back! Get it off! Get it off!" Gopal wailed, prancing around the room. "Heeeeelp!"

Fang turned in surprise. He stared at him as Gopal proceeded to shake the foreign object off his shirt.

Fang went over to check. Cattus let go, seeming that he had caught their full attention.

"What are you doing here? Did Boboiboy wake up?" Fang questioned.

"He did," Bellbot said. "He needs his watch now. Something's wrong."

Fang frowned. "His watch is still being put under investigation. Could he wait for a few minutes? It's almost done."

Gopal brushed his shirt mournfully. "You could have torn my clothes, you know!"

Bellbot knew perfectly well that Boboiboy could not have allowed a bunch of people he just met snoop around his stuff, especially something as important as his watch.

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