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"I'll help you move your stuff later," Hyunwoo stated, letting Minhyuk down from his hip.

"That would be a sight for sore eyes," Kihyun teased, and Hyunwoo rolled his eyes. "Oh, remind me to cancel my mortgage later."

"Wouldn't it just be easier for you to remember that yourself?" He chuckled, and Kihyun pouted.

"I'm stalling so I can spend more time with you," he admits bluntly, and Hyunwoo leans down to kiss him lightly.

"We have all the time in the world to spend with each other later," he reassured, and Minhyuk pulled on Hyunwoo's jacket.

"I want kisses too!" He exclaimed, and Hyunwoo knelt down to quickly peck his son. "Kihyunie too!"

Kihyun swiftly took Hyunwoo's place at Minhyuk's height, kissing the boy as well, who giggled happily at the affection.

"I'll come pick you up later," Hyunwoo said, and Kihyun smiled, Minhyuk already running off somewhere to go and play.

"Don't work too hard," the pink-haired male patted Hyunwoo's bicep, causing the latter to roll his eyes.

"No promises," he winked, leaning in to give Kihyun one last kiss before he left for work.

"Dude, what the Hell?" Jooheon asked, suddenly behind Kihyun, and the latter jumped almost a foot high in surprise. "You two look like a married couple. When did this even happen?"

"None of your business," Kihyun quipped, grinning from ear to ear, and Jooheon raised an eyebrow in question.

"I'm not sure I even want to know," the brunette said, more to himself than to Kihyun before walking off in the other direction.

Kihyun was surprised that Hoseok wasn't lingering around their class this time. Of course he would miss a crucial moment in Kihyun's life like that but be around for all of the useless stuff.

"Kihyunie?" The same small voice that Kihyun knew so well asked from behind him, and Kihyun turned around with a smile on his face.

"What's up, Min?" He asked softly.

"Are you coming to live with me and Daddy so you won't be alone anymore?" The blonde asked, and Kihyun leaned down to ruffle his hair.

"I am, Minnie," he replied, and his cheeks began to hurt from how much he was smiling.

Minhyuk's eyes seemed to light up, and Kihyun took pride in the fact that he did that.


lil filler chapter here - sorry!

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