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"What do you want for dinner, Minhyuk?" Hyunwoo asked, shucking off his suit jacket and hanging it up haphazardly on the nearest coat peg.

Kihyun stepped into the house after the two, shoulders hunched over nervously, almost as if he was trespassing and afraid of getting caught.

Hyunwoo led Kihyun through the hallway - well, more like Kihyun followed Hyunwoo like a lost puppy - and into the living room, and Kihyun was surprised to see the state of their living conditions.

Nothing bad, of course, but he'd expected maybe a basic living room and smaller kitchen. But what he got was - not much more - but definitely more.

The living room was decorated with light bronze painted walls, the expanse of nearly every one covered in framed photos of Hyunwoo and Minhyuk. Kihyun also spotted a photo above the mantelpiece of Minhyuk as a tiny baby. He couldn't have been just over a few days old, and Kihyun felt a fond smile grow on his face at the way Minhyuk had grown.

The TV was average sized, probably a little bigger than Kihyun's, and the kitchen was a healthy add-on to the room.

"Fish fingers!" The boy answered excitedly and Hyunwoo nodded with a yawn.

It was then that Kihyun felt incredibly out of place. He was standing in a stranger's house with his son while they were having a casual discussion about what's for dinner. He was supposed to be helping after all.

"Why don't I make dinner? Would you like that, Minhyuk?" He took a step forward, socked feet feeling cold against the laminate flooring of the living room.

Hyunwoo looked over at him, a look of uncertainty gracing his - handsome - features as he reached round and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Yes, please!" Minhyuk nodded excitedly, and Kihyun smiled at his enthusiasm.

"Kihyun, you really don't have to," Hyunwoo urged in a hushed tone so Minhyuk wouldn't hear.

"I'm here to help," Kihyun paused awkwardly, realising that he didn't actually know Hyunwoo's name.

Hyunwoo, fortunately, seemed to pick up on that and gave the embarrassed Kihyun a small smile.

"Hyunwoo," he responded, and Kihyun cleared his throat. Even his name was manly.

"I'm here to help, Hyunwoo," he repeated, folding his arms over his chest. "And, besides, I enjoy cooking. Trust me."

"I feel like I'm freeloading off of you," Hyunwoo chuckled nervously.

"Well don't," Kihyun reassured. "I haven't actually done anything that you would take advantage of anyway."

"You're here," Hyunwoo replied like lightning. Almost as if he had the response planned in his head.

"Out of my own free will," Kihyun responded, smile still stretching across his lips. "Hyunwoo, if I didn't want to be here, I wouldn't. I would be at home watching Pretty Little Liars."

Hyunwoo laughed at that, and Minhyuk tugged at the sleeve of Kihyun's yellow sweater.

"I'm hungry," he pouted and Kihyun ruffled his hair.

"Don't worry, Minhyuk, I'll make something for you," he smiled sweetly at the boy before looking up at Hyunwoo again. "You should go take a nap; you look beyond tired."

Hyunwoo couldn't argue with that. Really, he couldn't; since he was yawning before he even got a chance to reply. And Kihyun wouldn't let him argue just after seeing that.

"Go," he shooed Hyunwoo off upstairs, and Minhyuk giggled behind him. "Do you want to help me with dinner? Since I don't know where Daddy keeps all of his ingredients, I might need a little assistant."

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