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I yawned, stretching. I felt a stir next to me. An arm slung over me, and a body scooted closer to me. I shoved the body off the bed, earning a grunt.

"It's too hot, Alex!" I said, refusing to cuddle with him. I blinked, shielding my eyes from the bright light streaming in from the window. "AHHHH, I'M BLIND!" I flailed my arms, screaming Alex's name repeatedly.

"Shut up, Ashley." Alex groaned from the floor. I heard him stir before he stood up. "Come on, I smell breakfast." He grabbed my wrist, pulling me up from the bed. I grinned at him, poking him in his bare chest.

"Awww, what a gentleman!" I pushed him out of the way, darting out of the bedroom. Food is more important than Alex!

I nearly flew across the kitchen when I stopped myself abruptly. THERE WAS A GOD SITTING AT THE TABLE. Oh wait, that's just Alex's brother Matt. I wiped drool from my mouth, prying my eyes from Matt's shirtless torso.

"Hello Mrs. Ryan! The food smells delicious." I smiled broadly, waving at Alex and Matt's mother. I swear, their mother was a goddess when it came to cooking. Maybe when Matt and I marry in the future, he'll be as good a cook as her! WAIT. Since when did I decide I wanted to marry Matt? Huh. If anything, he should be the one proposing to me! Not that I'm the woman in the relationship ... it's just that he should be the one wanting me not me wanting him.

"Awww, thank you Ash." Mrs. Ryan smiled at me before leaving the kitchen. Oh god, I'm all alone with Matt. What if he tries to rape me?! I'd probably like it though...

"What are you staring at, idiot?" Matt asked with a scowl, his mouth full with food. D'awwwww! He was so cute when he spoke with his mouth full. What? I'm not weird...

"You have something on your face." I replied, digging into my own food. He had a red smudge on the corner of his lips. I wouldn't mind licking that off for him. Definitely not because I am attracted to his drop dead face and body, nope! Only because the food is so good. Yup! That's the only reason.

"Huh? Where?" He began to wipe at his face frantically, a cute and frustrated look gracing his features. He had a really sexy body. Man, I would sooooooo let that boy use -- WOW, you barely know the guy, Ash! "Did I get it off?" He glared at me intently.

"No. Here." I reached forward to gently wipe the smudge off the corner of his lips with my thumb. I pulled my hand back and licked it off my finger. When I looked up into Matt's eyes, I blushed and forced myself to stare at my empty plate instead. "I got it off, you don't need to worry."

"Thanks." Matt mumbled, picking up his plate and putting it into the sink. Just as he did so, Alex came into the kitchen. "Alex, do you want to go to the pool before we go to eat dinner for my birthday?"

"Only if Ash can come." Alex said, glancing over to me then back at Matt. "If not, I'll just hang out with Ash instead." I blinked. Wait, Alex was going to choose me over the brother he rarely sees? Huh. How sweet of him!

"I have no idea why you like that kid, but I guess he can come." He grumbled to himself and left the kitchen. Aww, I couldn't stare at his abs anymore! Wait ... THE POOL?! I can't let Matt know I can't swim! Alex doesn't even know! What if Matt thinks I'm weird?

"We don't have to go to the pool if you don't want to, Ash. We can go see a movie instead." Alex glanced at me, worry dabbling his features. I shook my head. I can just say I'm not in the mood to swim!

"No! It's okay, I'm fine with going to the pool. I don't have a bathing suit here, though." I put my plate into the sink and turned to Alex.

"That's okay! You can borrow one of mine or Matt's. I don't know how well they would fit you, though." He smiled at me. Oh! A reason to talk to Matt!

"Okay! I'll go ask him now." I left the kitchen and headed to the guest bedroom, assuming Matt was in there. I opened the door without knocking, thinking nothing of it, since I was so used to being in this house. I mean, what's the worst that could happen?

What I saw when I opened the door left me speechless.


Ooooooo! Cliffhangers are no fun. Sorry! What do you think Ash saw? ♡♡♡

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