Bipolar Love

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"Come on Nick! Just one song!" Lily begged

"No! I have always hated Black Veil Brides and i always will!" i snapped back

        Its not easy to have a fangirl as a friend, especially one that is like Lily. She is my best friend and hopefully always will be. We have known each other since kids and she has always been fun to hang out with. That is until she started listening to that awful band. I never went into her room anymore because posters are everywhere. She has been trying to get me into that shit for years and its been pissing me off don't wanna stop hanging out with her so i guess i just have to deal with her fangirl moments.

"If you just listen to one song i would shut up!"

"Lily just stop!" i pleaded

        Truth is the are not that bad, there songs are good but i feel that guys shouldn't wear eyeliner. Lily wants me to go to their concert and i said no but i guess I'm going anyway. She thinks that if me and her give the main guy a gift that he would marry her, how pathetic. I told her that i was going to put in headphones and blast my own music in my ear but she started cursing at me. Why shouldn't i be able to listen to my own music! I don't even know their god damn names! I just wait for that day to come but until it passes it is just going to keep haunting me. Lily drove me home and i jumped onto my bed. I pulled out my phone and went on YouTube. I should listen to their music and learn their names, after all the concert is next week. I put on a song called Knives and Pens. The song started out good, the guy was hot and the beat was nice. Then he started screaming. What the fuck was he saying. I put my phone down, there was no use. I was going to the concert weather i liked it or not. I decided to go to sleep and wait for the dreaded day to come.

One Week Later

        I slept over Lilys for the concert and she woke me up at 8:00 a.m. Even though the fucking concert was at 6:00 p.m.

"GET UP GET UP GET UP!!!" Lily screeched

"Lily what the fuck!" i yelled

"Wake up Nikki! Concert is in 10 hours!" she replied

"Alright let me get something clear, you might think this is the best day of your life but it is my worst nightmare!" I snapped

        Lily turned back at her vanity and started on her makeup. I just laid back down and groaned. There was no going back to sleep now. I stood up and went to her kitchen. I was starving! I don't eat because of my depression. Ive always been bullied and I couldn't take it. I started starving myself and cutting myself to escape the world. I know its bad but it helps so much. I grabbed some cereal and bacon and returned back up stairs. Before i knew it, it was already 12:00 , thats when Lily wanted to leave but she stopped and looked at me.

"Come here" she said with a smile.I walked over and she sat me down on her chair

"Lily please don"

"Come a little more eyeliner wouldnt hurt" she smiled then grabbed the liquid eyeliner. 30 painful minutes of my face being touched by Lily and she told me to open my eyes. When i did i saw a complete different person in the mirrior. My eyes looked like they had wings and there was a stitch line on the side of my mouth.

"Do you like it" she asked

"im a whole new person. How did you do this?"

"I did the Rebel Love Song make up on you. But do you like it?"

"I like it" I replied smiling

        Even though i hated the band i did like the look on me. We left ASAP and arrived pretty fast. The line was short so we were in the front of the line. A whole bunch of songs came on that i didnt know but i had to admit they were kind of good. I still hated them but I would do anything to make her happy. The guy that was named Andy kept getting all up in my face, then he grabbed my hand and pulled me up on stage. I let out a sigh because i knew what happened next. He puts a necklace around my neck that has the word VIP and then gives me another one for a friend. Thats exactly what he did. I jumped back into the crowd next to Lily and she started flipping out. She grabbed me and hugged me tightly. When the concert was over we went back stage and as soon as she saw Andy she flipped out.

"Fangirl?" Andy said.

"Yea, totally" i replied

"Damn ;) who the hell are you babe!" Ashley smirked

"Shut the fuck up" I yelled

"Fiesty" he said back and winked

"Ya know im not some goddamn booty call okay so you can go to hell!" i snapped back

"Whats wrong with you" Andy said

"I dont even like you guys, i mean i like your songs but guys shouldn't look like girls."

"Is that the only reason?" he asked with a chuckle. I rolled my eyes and sighed


"yes we are" and replied with a smile

        I sat there in complete boredom. I just wanted to leave but every time i looked at the clock only 30 seconds would pass by.

"Why are you here if you dont like us?" Jinxx asked. I pointed over at Lily.

"I just really wanted her to like you guys, you guys are awesome!" Lily added

"Then why does she look like a fangirl?" Jake replied

"Dont ever call me that again!" I growled

"I wanted her to fit in." Lily chuckled

"I didnt even wanna go"

"Lose the attitude" CC snapped

"Lose the make up asshole! Your life is perfect while im sitting at home with depression issues and being bullie-" i breathed in then a tear escaped my eye "You guys aren't even remotely living a bad life"

"You think being us is easy" CC asked. I bit my lip then pulled my sleeves up

"You think thats easy" I sniffed in as all of them stared at my scars.

"Yo stop cut-" I interupted CC

"You know what, im going to go wait in the car." I said wiping the tears away from my eyes.

        I went in the car and began crying harder. When Lily walked into the car she put the key in and sat down.


"Please Lily, just stop"

        The ride home was silent. Lily dropped me off at my house and thanked me for going with her. I didnt reply i just put a fake smile on my face and got out. I went into my room and began thinking. I cant believe i just did that. I smacked my fore head and laid back to in my bed. I just wanted to forget this day ever happened. I pulled my covers up and went to sleep

*A/N* YAY!!! I have decided to work on a fanfiction all on my own but i would really like it if you would follow my friend _bvb_army_101. Please comment on how you feel and thank you so much for reading my fanfiction. Sorry i have no picture but i cant get one right now lol :D

Currently Listening to: Knives and Pens by Black Veil Brides

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