chapter 2: Taking the first step

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You were wondering around the city blindly looking for a place to eat before spotting a quaint little place and deciding to walk in and grab a bacon burger or something of the sort. After grabbing your food and paying the woman at the till you turn around and see her again. Fetch.

"Well look who we have here. " You announced walking over to her smiling widely and a bit stupidly that made her role her eyes playfully before sitting in the chair opposite her and starting to eat.
"Well if it isn't my smokey hero. " She teased in her beautiful voice and brushing her purple hair out of her eyes making your heart beat faster. You chuckle non the less and think about what to say next.

"Listen [Y/n] wasn't it? Thank you honestly. If you didn't swoop...or well fall in to save me i would have been sent right back to Curtain Cay." She stated making you blush lightly.
"Well it was the least I could do for a pretty woman like yourself. " You flirted rather sneakily making her role her eyes again.
"Oh god I'm not going to be pelted by crappy pickup lines am I?" She questioned with a half worried expression on her face. You merely chuckled and shook your head.
"Only if I'm drunk. " You joked making her giggle softly. She then looks up at you with her emerald green eyes with a thinking expression on her face. Almost as if she was scanning you.
"Hey. How'd you like to join me to kill a few drug dealers? " She offered taking you a back but you hastily accepted wanting to spend time with her and stupidly say.
"Ok then it's a date! " Before covering your mouth. To this she exploded into laughter almost falling off her chair.
"Ok then lover boy it's a date~" She teased before walking out and waiting.

... To be continued

smoke and neon (smoke conduit male reader x fetch/Abigail Walker)Where stories live. Discover now