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"N...wh...not no... Don't wake up, don't wake up!" Was what I heard when I woke up. I was watching what seemed to be what happened outside my mindscape, in my mindscape. And I was on a surprisingly comfy pillow. "IS HE STILL ASLEEP!" I hear Chara's voice boom around us. "He'll wake up if you keep on screaming like that." I heard Perseverance's voice, direcly, above me. I turn my head to look up and see her book 'Ninjas of love' where her face should be.

Perseverance peeked over her book and looked down on me. "Oh, morning bone head." If I wasn't a skeleton, I'd be blushing like crazy right now. "M-m-morning P." She set down her book and started giggling. "Your blushing like crazzy right now, you know that?" I shot up off her lap and sat down with my legs under me while facing her. She starts to laugh while holding her stomach. "Oh my god you were actually embarrassed weren't you!? Hahaha!" She was pointing at me with tears in her eye's from laughing so hard.

"W-wait THAT WAS A JOKE!!" "Of course it was numb skull, skeletons don't blush." She says in between laughs. Her laugh is, kinda cute. No. Nonono I am Undyne's loyal follower. Wait, does that even count if she's just a fictional character? Plus, there is a very slim chance that a naga like Undyne exists in this world.

"On an unrelated note, what is Chara doing out there?" I asked Perseverance as Chara used her spear, knife thing to cut what seemed to be a blue orc in half. "Oh that? We where testing if magic worked and Chara had the wise idea to use Taunt with all the already placed magic buffs. She's been fighting ever since." She opens her book and tries to find where she was at again. "I see. Oh and by the way, a little birdy told me your quite smutten with that book of yours."

I take a peek at her reaction and almost died laghing. She was looking at me with a shocked expression and her face was as red as a certain little reapers cape. She holds her book suspiciously close to her face as she tries to hide her obvious blush. "Paybacks a bitch." "Oh shut up numb skull, bofore I give you a skull-ache." She looks back at me, slightly pissed, but still has the blush. A little less red though.

"Tibia honest you could work on your pun game." Perseverance gave me a deadpan look while trying not to smile with only partial success. "Ah come on, that was a real rib-tickler." Just a little more. "Your gonna laugh aren't ya'." "Ho-how did you know?" "Because I can read you like a book." At this point she was balling on the floor and rolling around.

After a few minutes, she starts to calm down. "Hey Sans?" I look at Perseverance as she returns to reading her book. "That's my name." "Weren't you planning a few tests yesterday? I noticed how you looked at the monster soul after it absorbed that energy sphere." I lie down with my hands behind my head and close my eyes, if that makes sense.

"Eh, I'll do it later." Is all I said as I turn on my side for a nap. I heard shuffling behind me, but ignored it for a nap. 2nd worst mistake of my life.

Perseverance grabbed me by the hoodie and lifted me up to eye level, while giving me a death glare that can make fire sweat. "You are going out there and doing something or so help me, I will crush your bones to a fine powder and scatter it in the wind!" "YES MAM!"

Perseverance dropped me and I was rushing while trying to figure out how do gain control over my body again. "Try flaring your magic." I do as she says and try and overpower Chara with magic.

'Crap Crap CRAP! He's gonna be so pissed when he sees this.' Is what I hear after I open my eye's again. I look around, and see the monsters Chara were fighting had more numbers than I first thought. 'He's mad. I can feel it he's mad.' I can hear Chara panic in my head and it's getting pretty annoying.

"Chara," she yelped as I called her name and replied with a shaky 'Y-yes Sans.' "I'm not mad." 'Your not?' I just shake my head at her, slightly disappointed with the ooc nature she's showing. The monsters looked at each other wondering why I stopped attacking.

"In fact, you've done a wonderful job Chara. Not only did you take initiative, but you also gave me the purfect test subjects." My head was filled with groans of annoyance when they noticed a few cat-men in the horde of monsters. I look at the meow charging army before me and mutter two words.

"Fear aura." And with that, monsters fell to the ground and started to shake like they were electrocuted. "Maybe I should make a seal to weaken my magic. I'll worry about that later, experimentation time!" I use Sin Watcher and surprisingly, it was different than with the holy maiden. They all had marks, but they where for basic necessities. Eating, sleeping, procreation, ect.

Another difference I can see is that the only punishment the skill offers all but a few of them are mortality, which is already distributed. The punishment for the few others is shortness of life. Let's try this out.

"Ancient Golem. Your hatred for your master and the fact that you take said hatred out on all of humanity gives you the mark of wraith. The punishment is shortness of life. In light of the fact you are made of stone, the adjusted punishment is a dormant period of 100 years every time you or your subordinates kill a living being." A large golem in the horde looks at me. It's gaze seem devoid of emotion, however held some sadness, as it crumbled into a state of rest.

'Not exactly what happened last time, but close enough.' I hear a new voice in my head. More monotone and lifeless. The only one I haven't heard speak is Patience, so that must be him. I turn my attention back to the monsters and give the punishment for attacking a Seraphim. "I decree you all, dead."

I raise my hand, similar to the time in the church, but I mellow down the drama by about... Alot, I took alot of drama out. "Black hole." Once I activate my spell, the world goes black and white as a black sphere appears out of thin air and sucks everything not dug into the ground within about a mile except for me.

'THE HELL WAS THAT BONE HEAD! WE STILL NEEDED THOSE FOR THE EXPERIMENTS!' "Ow! My non-existent ears!" I enter my mindskape so it would be easier to talk with everyone. "Jeez P, you have some lungs." I say while rubbing where my ears would be if I was human. "Ya' know, we're a tad bit disappointed partner. We where hopin' for a bit more." Justice aaid before lying down with his hat over his face.

"I know, but I already have all the information I need." This perked everybody's interest, wondering what I found out. Frisk started to use sign language to ask the obvious question. "What did you figure out with just one test Sans?" "Excellent question Frisk!" My expression slightly darkened as I get serious... Sometimes I hate this permanent smile.

"I found out that the marks seem to have different levels based on what sin they represent. For example, The holy maiden had marks that are different than normal day to day things. Stuff like eating, sleeping, and procreation, basic stuff like that, only have a punishment of mortality. That golem I punished hated humans and killed them without remorse. My guess is that would normally be a sin, however since the golem was most likely mistreated, it had acceptable reason and it was dimmed to an abnormal mark. The normal punishment for those marks would be slight shortening of one's life span if it was organic. But as a non-organic creature, that punishment would do nothing and another punishment was offered."

Perseverance hummed in understanding, but everyone else looked like a deer in headlights. "I'm not sure how to dumb it down so I'll let P handle that as I move on." Everyone was freaking out and trying to understand what I said as P was laughing at the pun I made.

"As for the event with the monster soul yesterday, i have reason to believe that I absorbed what I took from the holy maiden. I have no proof other than the slight feeling of invigoration when the particles of the orb entered the soul."

Again, I get a hum and deer. "I also have a few more experiments to try out, so lets get to it everyone." I once again open my eye's and get ready for the experiment. "Get ready you guys." "Hey comedian, what are yo-" Before Chara could finish, I flared my magic and tried to push the souls out. "AHHHH!"

Surprisingly, it hurt like a bitch. I quickly ended the experiment because I didn't know if it would endanger our lives or not. 'Sans!' I could hear everyone yelling and asking if I was ok, but couldn't make anything out. A few seconds after, and I felt myself fall asleep as I closed my eye's.
Okay before everyone pulls wepons on me... I see you trying to take the saints row 5 dildo sword out over there isle 4 seat 3. Anyway, I know I said this chapter was almost finished but I decided to make this chapter 2 parts. THAT chapter will be held off because I still have no idea how to write it. Anyway,

Let the darkness fade

The Risen Monster (Undertale Seraphim!Sans x Overlord)Where stories live. Discover now