The Return of the Underground

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(Momonga POV)

I teleported to the amphitheater on the sixth floor of the tomb after giving Albedo her orders. Thankfully, items are still working. I wanted to test if my magic was still functioning properly as well.

"Albedo and the Pleiades are still loyal. I wonder what happened with the other NPC's." I thought to myself as I walked towards the gate, staff in hand. The gate rose once I arrived, and I stepped through while taking in the scenery. It still looked wonderful. We modeled it to look similar to a Roman Coliseum, with a small artificial world surrounding it.

"The twin dark elves that Bukubukuchagama created should be the guardians of this floor so where are they." I thought. Just then a young 'male' dark elf jumped out of one of the VIP spectator areas, showing 'his' mastery of acrobatics. As the dark elf landed, a cloud of dust rose off of the sand. "Crushed it!" The young looking dark elf siad, while striking a childish pose.

This is Aura Bella Fiora. The twin sister to Mare Bella Fiora.You read that right. Sister.

Aura quickly made her way to me from the other side of the amphitheater at surprising speed. "Aura." She skidded to a stop in front of me and bowed with her right arm over her heart, and the left behind her back. "We're honoured to have you, lord Momonga. Welcome to the amphitheater." I nod my head at the dark elf's actions. "Apologies, Aura. But I will be intruding for a while." Aura, with her hands at her side, replied a little unexpectedly.

"You must be joking my lord. You are the lord and ruler of the great tomb of Nazarick, and your power is absolute. There isn't a guardian who would ever consider you an intruder, least of all mt brother and I." I hum in thought, and look around slightly. "Speaking of?" Aura looked surprised, but quickly got over it as she turned to one of the VIP areas.

"MARE! YOUR BEING RUDE TO LORD MOMONGA!" A small bob of blonde hair, the same bright yellow as Aura's, poked over the wall. "STOP HIDING AND GET DOWN HERE ALREADY!" "But sis, I'm scared!" "MARE!!!" I blocked out the rest of what happened because of a strange feeling. Almost like being watched. I look around and see three small, pink spiders crawling away at alarming speeds. "They seem... Familiar. Where have I seen those spiders before?" I question myself in thought.

"Lord Momonga?" I heard the two voices of the dark elves, bringing out of my thoughts with slightly concerned faces. "Hm? Oh I apologize, I seem to have lost myself. What was it that you were saying?" "N-nothing, lord Momonga," Mare quickly and timidly responded. "You just seemed to be in a daze." I push all thoughts of the spiders to the back of my mind as I explained why I was here and what was going on.

(In an unknown part of Nazarick)

"Momonga has called a gathering on the 6th floor. He seems to have noticed something was wrong as well, Asgore." The humanoid spider spoke, in a voice similar to Entoma's, but gentler and less deformed. "I see. Thank you Muffet." An older, more authoritive voice came from the goat-man on the golden throne, surrounded by butter-cup flowers. Supposedly Asgore.

"That no good bag of bones. His orders for that useless succubus were flawed, she doesn't even know we exist." A lone butter-cup flower stated. "Nye he he! Never fear yellow flower! For I, The Great Papyrus, will go and rekindle the knowledge of the underground to the overworlders Nye he he!" A tall skeleton with a red scarf said. "MY NAME IS FLOWEY! GET IT RIGHT BEFORE I CRUSH YOUR FUCKING SKULL!"

Before another word can be spoken, a blue spear flew out of the ground, only stopping a centimeter away from the flowers stem. "Lay a root on Sans' brother, and I'll be cooking some butterscotch pie." A rough, battle hardened voice came from a menacing suit of armor. "Y-yes lady Undyne." The flower replied as the spear vanished. "You know his rule. We're family, no formalities among family."

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