Dinner Party

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Phoebe, Cherry, and I were currently standing in the hallway as the two of them gazed across the room at Cole Campbell

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Phoebe, Cherry, and I were currently standing in the hallway as the two of them gazed across the room at Cole Campbell. Phoebe doing so because Cole is the guy who she has the biggest crush on. Cherry because... well I don't know. Because it's Cherry I guess. I wasn't doing so because for one, I have a crush on someone else, and for two, Cole is attractive, but he's not my type. I like boys who have brown hair and brown eyes, super strong, super sweet... so essentially Max.

Speaking of Max, I looked over towards the bathroom with the sign that said "private" on it to see him walking out of it. Max saw me looking over at him in confusion as he walked out of the bathroom and nodded at me in greeting. He then turned around towards the bathroom door and reached up, pulling the sign down from the door.

"And that's how you get a private bathroom," He told me with a smirk on is face.

I started giggling and shaking my head at him, not shocked at all at the lengths Max goes to to do certain things at school. He then looked passed me and saw Phoebe and Cherry staring at Cole.

"Uh, what are you guys looking at," Max asked the two girls.

"Don't tell him Cherry," Phoebe told the girl, her gaze not wavering from Cole.

However, Phoebe was too late to tell the girl to do so because she turned and looked over at Max in his spot next to me. Her mouth moving before he even had the chance to stop it.

"We're staring at Cole Campbell until Phoebe can build up the courage to ask him out," Cherry explained to Max happily.

I then watched as Phoebe turned and looked over at her in annoyance. Upset that Cherry didn't listen to her and gave Max a reason to make fun of her.

"Don't tell him what," Cherry asked her clueless.

Phoebe then rolled her eyes at the girl and walked around Cherry so she was standing in front of me and Max. I looked over at Max from my spot next to him to see an extremely confused look on his face.

"Go ahead, Max. Make fun of me. Mock my little schoolgirl crush," Phoebe said mockingly toward him.

"I'm not gonna make fun of you," Max began saying to his sister.

"Good. Because if you did I would have to punch you," I warned him.

"Oh, come on Mia. We both know you don't have the ability to hurt me," He said to me smugly.

"Wanna bet," I questioned back just as smugly.

"Sure. I'm not scared," He shrugged.

Little does Max know that since we moved here my dad has been working with me to get my strength up in case of an emergency. He thinks it's necessary, I think it's fun. It's also a great way to take out my anger and frustration. Phoebe knows about it, but max doesn't. Which is why Phoebe is looking over at the two of us with a knowing look on her face right now. I formed my hand into a fist and brought it back, throwing the hardest punch I possibly could. Max then yelled in pain and fell over, causing Phoebe, Cherry, and I to laugh. Max the got up from the ground rubbing his arm and looking at me in pain.

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