Phoebe Vs. Max

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    Today is picture day at Hiddenville High. HOORAY! Note my sarcasm. Picture day has always been my least favorite day. I hate having to dress up and look nice. It is literally the worst thing ever. It's even worse now because I don't have to wear my super-suit for my pictures so now my mother picked out my clothes for picture day. I feel like I am dressed like a baby doll right now.

 I feel like I am dressed like a baby doll right now

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(Ignore the bike picture) 

(Also if you know who made the outfits or you did make the outfit let me know so I can give credit)

     I am standing next to Phoebe in line waiting for our turn to take our pictures. Phoebe is currently too busy worrying about her hair right now to talk so I am currently entertaining myself with watching Cherry get her picture taken.

    "And... smile," The photographer says with no emotion on his face or in his voice.

    "Wait! Say something funny," Cherry told him.

    "I have a masters degree in fine arts, and I take yearbook pictures for a living" The photographer informed her bitterly.

    Cherry began laughing hysterically and clapping her hands before she looked at the photographer in confusion.

    "I don't get it," She said with a confused look on her face.

    The photographer snapped the picture of Cherry with a confused face and shouted next, Cherry then hopped up from the seat and walked over to Phoebe and I.

    "Hi Pheebs, Mia! You both look totes, fab, ubes, adorbs," She said to both of us while gesturing up and down or outfits.

    "Aw, thanks. Is that good," Phoebe asked in confusion.

    "Yeah," Cherry said to her.

    "Yeah, thanks Cherry. I didn't get a choice on wearing this though because my mother picked it out and forced me into it," I said to her in annoyance.

    "Mia it shouldn't matter what you are wearing. You should be really excited. I know I am," Phoebe said to me.

    "Why are you so excited," Cherry questioned her.

    "At our old school, our pictures were always a little... formal," I explained to Cherry while trying to not give away too much information.

    "You had to wear a uniform," Cherry questioned us.

    "Something like that," Phoebe replied back.

    I then began to think back to our school pictures from last year, when Phoebe had braces and had so many awkward poses during her pictures. I then began chuckling from my spot next to her, causing her to glare at me when she knew what I was thinking of. I then immediately stopped chuckling and looked down at my feet sheepishly, feeling the annoyance radiating off of her right now.

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