Sneaking Away and Scientifical Ninjas

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Inside the carrier was a wonderland for a scientist that just happened to be a ninja.

So, me in a way. I mean, if you think about it, I'm smart enough to be a scientist, and some rumors say I'm a ninja, so yeah. I'm a Scientifical Ninja.

Back to reality now.

The room you walked into from the outside was probably the main room. It had hundreds of computers, filled with readings from the ship and god knew what else. The only spot that didn't have computers was an uplift taking up a little less than half of the room.

I walked along the platform, and leaned on the wall near the door we walked in incase I needed to leave quickly. A long table was in the center of the platform, with eight seats, three on each side and two at either ends. A circle was connected to the edge of the platform, and there Fury was in all his glory. I saw him sneaking away as we were walking away with Natasha.

There was also two guards nearby, overseeing everything. Banner eyed them before he settled down. He was really on edge. He's going to hulk out unless he learned to relax.

Like you? Asked a sarcastic voice. It's back. You're always on edge. You're like that, because you're too stupid to do anything else, you worthless piece of trash!

'Look who's talking!' I retorted weakly. 'You let people capture you and put you inside of me!'

The wendigo snorted. Look who's talking? Really? How weak can you get?

'At least I'm not as weak as you.' I insulted one last time before I shoved it to the back of my mind, now just a nagging sensation at the back of my head.

I forced myself to pay attention to my surroundings.

"Doctor!" called out a voice. I turned my head to look at the source of the voice. Fury. "Thank you for coming." he held out a hand for Bruce to shake.

Bruce glanced at the hand outstretched to him before shaking it. A little wary, aren't you? "Thanks for asking nicely." Slight sarcasm. "So, uh, how long will I be staying?" Bit eager, aren't you?

This guy has so many readings, it's crazy!

"Once we have located the Tesseract, you're in the wind." Fury seems to notice it too.

'Oh shut up will you?'

Make me.

I forced myself to keep listening to the conversation.

"Where are you with that?" Bruce asked. He seemed more comfortable now that they were discussing work.

"We're sweeping every wirelessly accessible camera on the planet. Cell phones, laptops. If it's connected to a satellite, it's eyes and ears for us." said a new voice. I looked over to Phil, who was just walking in.

"It's not going to be enough." stated yet another voice. I looked over to a slightly nervous and agitated Natasha who was now crouching next to a computer screen, staring at it. I took a closer look.

It was Clint Barton's file. Of course! He was the one who hooked the Black Widow. Hawkeye. I'm not surprised, they did go on hundreds of missions together, don't even mention Budapest.

That's getting annoying. Growled the creature.

'What?' I asked, curious.

Them switching from person to person. Just, one person talk and the rest shut up! It's not difficult!

To irritate it, I joined in.

"She's right."

The eyes swung to me in a wave, curious.

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