Oh No

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"When I was a child, I was taken. They told me I was deceased, and that they revived me. That...I was only living because of them." I started. "They ran experiments on me. They put the Wendigo DNA in me. But they wanted more. So, they decided to also put raven DNA and some chemicals in me. The results were fantastic. They were thrilled. But not for long. They...gave me too much power. I broke out that night. I was 16. That's where I started fighting crime. I pick pocketed and fought in street fights to support me. I know what you're thinking. That's a horrible thing to do to support yourself. But it was the only things I knew how to do. And that's how I met you guys."

She just sat there for a second. Then she asked, "Can you hear the raven in your head too?"

"No. Probably because of it's smaller brain capacity. Sometimes I see images though. It doesn't really think in words." I answered.

"Okay what about back there with the scales on your neck." she asked again.

"Well, I've asked the Wendigo about it, and she told me something peculiar. She told me that she could shape shift, and that's usually how she hunts humans." I replied.

We sat in silence for a while. Then she got up, gave me a nod, and went to the panel. She typed in something, and went to talk to Loki. I could very well hear what they were saying, but I didn't pay attention. I just sat. Pretty soon Natasha left.

Then, I heard an explosion. I looked over to see Loki grin. I sighed. I had a feeling this would happen.

I sat and waited for a while. Then she started again.

You really suck don't you?

'How did you manage to figure that out, then? Cause I'm sure you're gonna tell me.'

You just gave away your secret to a whole secret intelligence agency.

'No I didn't! I told Natasha!'

...Who just so happens to work for that base, stupid. And even if you could trust her, they probably have hidden cameras no connected to the system that she doesn't even know about. See your flaws? Hard to face aren't they, moron!

'Shut up!'

Why? Why would I follow orders from an idiotic human who can't even think straight!


Getting angry now? You gonna cry? I wouldn't be surprised, due to how weak you are!

The pain hit me like a train. The transformation was starting again. I faintly saw Loki grin wider from the corner of my eye. Was this part of his sick plan? To release the damned creature and kill everyone? He's sick, but I never thought he'd do that!

Another wave of pain silenced my racing mind. I almost threw up, but held it down with all of my will. I almost blacked out, but I felt something pull me back into consciousness.

Oh, no you don't! I'm not going down by some involuntary reflex!

I felt bones shifting, narrowing. I got so thin, my bones started to become visible. Is this how the Wendigo looked? A bit thin, wasn't she? Is this really how much she's been starved? I almost feel bad for her.

I suddenly felt my consciousness be shoved by some force. I suddenly felt a restraint on my coherent thoughts, making me slightly dizzy. I found it hard to think, or fight back against the restraint. Is this the Wendigo's life? Forced to be weak, and forced to not live in your own body?

Suddenly I heard a voice. A voice that I have not heard in many years. A deep, almost animalistic voice that haunts my nightmares every time I sleep. A voice that hasn't met air for a very long time. The voice that I, alone, heard for 21 years now.

The voice of a monster.

The monster only spoke two words. The very same two words she has said for the last two times she had gotten loose from the chains in my mind. Two words, that manages to scare me, every time she escapes. Every time she manages to grasp onto control.

"I'm free."


I know! I know! Please don't murder me! I know I haven't updated since the days of Sparta, (This...is...SPARTA!!!! *cue kick*) and it's all because of that bish named Procrastination, (Seriously...such a bish) but,....but........but........

Okay I have no excuse for this.

But (So many buts.....mmmmm) seriously, the comments help. That last comment made by @WYLDFYRE gave the push to get me to finish writing the last bit and updating it.

Don't get me wrong, the comments made by @icespade, and @EmilyMoontail helped too. Thanks guys so much for the support, again I'm sorry, thank you for sticking with me. If the bish Procrastination and her friend Writer's Block don't strike again, then the next chappie should be out relatively soon.

And if you see the signs of Procrastination and Writer's Block, don't hesitate to beat me up a bit for not fighting back.

This chappie was a filler, despite the two important events in it.


And that's all I have to say! Thx again, and I'll see you nerds later!



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