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>Wendigo POV<

I was free...finally. I looked over at Loki. Should I eat him?...No, probably not. He's an alien, I don't know what he's made of.

Still though, I wish...Demigod meat...ughhhhhh.

I turned to smoke form and went through the cracks in the door. Way too small to fit through for a human. Not for me though.

I went through the vents. I came across a giant green creature and a human. I searched her mind. Strength: combat. Weakness: close relationships with people.

I wonder if she was close to the girl?

I created a mirage in her head of me being the girl. I lay down and clawed at my leg to make it bleed. It bled purple, but she thought it was red, thanks to me.

I coughed. "N-Natasha? Is t-that you?"

She whirled around. "Mortem? Don't move, you'll be fine!"

She tried to get near, but stopped when I cocked my head to the side and slowly grinned. I started singing in the girl's voice as the mirage crumpled.

"The itsy-bitsy spider climbed up the water spout. Down came the blood and washed the spider out. The spider will die just as everything does. The itsy-bitsy spider will never move again."

When I finished, the mirage was gone. She widened her eyes, but didn't scream.

"Hello, Natasha Romanoff. About time we meet." I never stopped smiling. I ran behind her. She still didn't move. She knew I was behind her.

"I haven't tasted Russian before...I always sticked to Italian." I scowled. "Or I used to, before they put me in that damn girl. Then she started starving me. What a jerk....Sorry! Just realized I got off track. Time for lunch!"

Just as I was about to bite into that juicy scalp, a green creature smashed through the air duct we were hiding behind.

"AW COME ON!!!!" I yelled.

The green creature tried to punch me and Natasha, but I grabbed his fist.

"Oh NO! You're not gonna punch ME after you just cost me a meal after THREE FREAKING YEARS WITHOUT A MEAL!!! Do you know how it feels to starve to near death? I DO!!! AND YOU JUST COST ME MY ONLY SALVATION!!!! YOU KNOW WHAT?!?! I'M GONNA EAT YOU!!! I DON'T CARE IF YOUR GREEN AND HUMUNGOUS!!!" I bared my teeth and snarled as my claws extended.

In reality, my claws were six inches, and my teeth a full inch. They were shorter than when the girl used them, because they weren't hers naturally.

The weird thing pounded it's fists into the ground like a gorilla and made a dent. That should've made me wary, but it didn't.

I forced myself to keep a somewhat clear head and created dark mist surrounding me and the monster. He turned around quickly, trying to find me. I quickly ran to him, knowing that he'll probably start trying to swing at me.

Lo and behold, he started throwing punches at air. I quickly bit into his calf, and he howled. Suddenly, a blonde man with a hammer tackled the creature. At my surprise, I lost focus on the mist and it dissipated. The blonde man glanced at me curiously and seemed to sigh.

He was centered between me and the creature. Natasha seemed to have run off, or get help, or to help something. Whatever, I need to focus.

Goldilocks and Booger over there started fighting, so I just watched. Booger soon jumped out of the weird plane thing, because another smaller plane was shooting at him. Goldilocks then turned to me.

"Hi!" I waved at him. "Thanks for getting rid of Booger. He was a jerk-face. I'm going to eat you now."

I launched toward him. I got behind him and bit his neck. Or at least tried to, missed, and bit his shoulder. But what's the difference anyway?

He groaned in pain and tried to grab me, but I ran backward. I saw the blood in his shoulder and let myself at him. Y'see, Wendigos have this hormone, where if they see blood or gore, they naturally go crazy for it.

He suddenly just...punched me in the face. I had no idea what happened, but I was chewing his calf, and blood was everywhere. I started to go crazy again, but he punched me me again. Again! In the face!

He suddenly hit me in the face again WITH THE HAMMER!!! This dude is so rude! He continuously hit me in the face until the edges of my vision got dark and blurry. Then, he threw me threw a FRIGGIN' WALL.




I had trouble getting up, so he gave me one last whack with the hammer to keep me down. I simply lay there. I looked up at him.

"How?" I asked him.

"This is not the only planet with Wendigos on it. They offer training courses for your species in case of an encounter. How are you speaking?"

"Heck if I know." I slumped back to the ground, and turned me head toward him. "So you an alien?"

"I think that is the correct term on this planet. You seem to not be reacting as others would." He said, confused.

"Just because you couldn't hear us, doesn't meant we're not communicating. And just because we live in caves, does not mean we aren't aware about the universe, or not advanced."

He considered for a second, shrugged. He then promptly kicked me in the face.

The world went black.



Guess what?

















I got lazy at the end...and also wasted your time...

*insert troll face*



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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 24, 2015 ⏰

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