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"Someone's following us," [Name] said. Her eyes gleamed like a predator's, and although her dagger wasn't drawn yet, her hand hovered over her thigh, ready.

"Ah, you caught us!" A low and cocky voice said.

Shoto tensed in surprise. He clenched his fist and gently ran his finger over his blue tinted ring. It was inherited from his father. Even though he didn't particularly like it because it came from his father, he was forced to wear it. It was glass, so worst case scenario he could just break it and use the small, pointy shards to stab someone.

A man emerged from [Name]'s right side. He looked to be about 6 feet tall, lean but muscular, and had dark black hair. His nails were painted pitch black, and he looked like he had a bunch of bloody stitches all over his body.

"What do you want from us?" [Name] said fiercely, drawing her dagger. She walked closer to Shoto, pressing slightly into his side, making sure he was nearby. His warmth calmed her, which ultimately caused her skills to be sharper... Even though he didn't know it.

"We were just taking a walk when we noticed a little prince here..." He drawled out slowly. "Imagine how much money we could get from having ourselves a royal hostage."

If there was one thing [Name] hated more than people messing with Shoto, it was being ignored.

"HEY DUMBASS! I'M A PRINCESS TOO!" She yelled angrily.

"Yes, I know." The man said with an emotionless expression. "You're annoying as hell, you little brat! Besides, you would just cause trouble for us. And we're not interested in having a whole country of warriors on our backs. We know Endeavor will just pay up our ransom because he's too busy to actually get his son back."

Gritting her teeth, a vein popped out of the (h/c) haired girl's forehead.

"EXCUSE ME?! I'M NOT ANNOYING!" She screamed. But her screams weren't only to get attention. Shoto widened his eyes as he realized that she was stalling. After all, there was more than brute strength to be a warrior, they had to be clever too.

During all the commotion, she managed to subtly pass her dagger into Shoto's hand. Shoto wanted to scream, 'what are you doing? You're going to be weaponless!' But before he could protest with her, the girl had sprung into action.

"[NAME], NO!"

Faster and swifter than a tiger, the girl leaped onto the taller man's body and tried to hold him in a chokehold. The man was strong, and he grabbed [Name]'s wrists, but the girl used all her weight to slam into him and straddle him. She wrenched her wrists out of the man's grip and repeatedly punched his face.

Shoto looked around with a small drop of sweat rolling down his face. Was that man the only one?

The bushes rustled behind the him.

The boy whipped around and held the dagger out in front of him. The point of it connected with soft, gray flesh. The man merely smirked. He had light blue hair, and his face looked very dry. The blue haired man drew his own dagger, and the two started fighting each other, Shoto trying to remember everything he learned from his basic sword fighting lessons with Momo.

It all happened in slow motion.

The blue haired man raised his dagger and Shoto was too slow-the man had an opening.


The boy heard his friend gasp out, and saw a whirl of (h/c) as she pounced on the blue haired man, literally wrenching out his throat with her hands. It was a horrific sight to see, but Shoto had no time to think about that at the moment. The black haired man had caught up to [Name].

"ARGH! DIE ALREADY!" The black haired man yelled, followed by a yelp. Widening his eyes, Shoto turned around to see [Name] in pain. Blood was flowing freely from her head, causing some to get into her eyes. Along with that, a dagger was stuck in her leg.

Shoto suddenly felt a surge of anger. How dare he do that to [Name]? And why wasn't he able to move? [Name] had messed him up pretty bad, but the man was still conscious, even if just barely.

"Jeez, finally, I get to kill you." The man said, and he stood up, picking up [Name] by the neck. As she struggled to breath, the man just laughed like a psycho.

"Hey, GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER!" Shoto suddenly screamed, jumping up and raising the dagger. The man barely had time to realize what was happening before he was stabbed in the neck, repeatedly.

After the deed was done, Shoto had no time to feel disturbed with the fact that he had just murdered a man-instead, he picked up [Name] and desperately tried to check her pulse.

Shoto's castle wasn't too far from here. He could get her there safe. Endeavor would quite literally kill Shoto, but at this moment, he didn't care. [Name] needed medical attention.

"I... I couldn't...-" The girl sobbed, barely holding onto her consciousness.

"Ssh... You did fine." Shoto assured her. He saw a stable in the distance and hoisted [Name] up on his back, then ran for the stables in hopes of getting a horse.

After seeing the condition of the two, the stable owner frantically prepared a horse for them, helping the two as much as he could.

"You did just fine." Shoto murmured as he held [Name] close to him. His chest pressed against her back protectively, and he grabbed a hold of the reigns.

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