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-A few years later-



Shoto's bicolored eyes shot open with annoyance. He sat up slowly from his bed.

"[Name]? Do you know what time it is?" He said, sighing at the female's typical behavior. [Name] sat on the ground, innocently looking around as if she wasn't just throwing pebbles at the prince's windows.

"Yes, I do in fact. It's 3:07 AM, and you're coming with me."

"Excuse me?" He said emotionlessly, but with a slight twinge of pink across his cheeks. The fact that [Name] kept coming back to meet him even after Endeavor forbid Todoroki to talk to anyone from other kingdoms was heartwarming. His heart always beat a little faster at the sight of the beautiful (h/c) haired girl.

"Come on! Did you really think your dad's rules were gonna stop me? I'll always find a way to meet you! Now get dressed and come downstairs! Bring me a jacket please, because I forgot one. And hurry, my arms are getting numb!" The girl whined.

Shoto sighed as he bit back a smile. Turning around, he got dressed in more proper attire and grabbed one of his fluffy jackets for [Name]. Then, as quiet as humanely possible, the prince put one leg out the window as he clumsily tried to get out without hurting himself. He was on the third story of his castle, after all.

"Shi-" The boy didn't even have time to curse as his footing slipped.

"I gotcha!" He heard the voice of his company, even closer now. He lay in her arms as she carried him bridal style, for just a moment before blushing and standing up on his own two feet. How close he was to her... He couldn't get his mind off it. Her heartbeat, right against his ribcage...

"H-here," He pouted, handing the jacket to her. She gratefully slipped it on and smiled contently, not even realizing it as she took a deep whiff of the scent. Crisp, arctic wind mixed in with bonfire. Perfect. She wouldn't admit it, but she didn't wear a jacket on purpose just so she could wear Shoto's. It made her feel warm and safe.

"Let's go," She grinned.

"To the usual place?" Shoto asked, referring to the beautiful clearing in front of the waterfall where they had first met as children. [Name] shook her head and smiled, holding out her hand. Shoto took it and looked into her eyes, deep pools of (e/c).

"Nope. I want to show you some place else."

Since the [L. Name] Empire and Todoroki Empire were bordering each other slightly, [Name] was able to sneak out every night and find her prince. Because of her mini journeys each night, she was able to navigate the lands nearby very often.

"We're going to King Yagi's empire," She said. "I found a really beautiful place there that I want you to see."

"Wouldn't that be dangerous?" Shoto asked emotionlessly. The shorter girl beside him skipped along happily, the oversized coat shuffling around on her figure.

"I love danger."


"Now, close your eyes. If I catch you trying to peek, I'm going to tickle you so hard you won't be able to breathe," The fiesty (h/c) haired girl threatened. She put her hands over Shoto's eyes and was standing behind him. As [Name] safely led her friend around, she couldn't help but think about her chest against his strong back. His muscles rippled against her body, and his skin radiated heat. She almost wanted to forget everything and cuddle against him.


"We're here!" She exclaimed, uncovering his eyes. The two stood on a high up cliff. The faint smell of the salty sea and the soft sounds of the waves hitting the rocks below put both friends into a state of calmness. Well, not exactly.. Because nothing could calm [Name]. She jumped around at the edge of the cliff with glee.

"Isn't it so pretty? Look, the sun's rising!" She giggled, pointing out towards the ocean. It was, in fact beautiful. But [Name] made the serene scene 20 times more beautiful in Shoto's mind. He blushed slightly and grabbed her hand, pulling her close into his chest.

"You shouldn't be jumping around on the edge like that." He said gruffly.

[Name] turned around in his arms and tapped his nose gently.

"Aww, Sho, you care." She teased. Shoto let go in annoyance, and the female laughed softly before sitting down on the cliff. After convincing the heterochromatic eyed male to do the same, [Name] had her legs dangling off into the crisp air.

The two just sat there quietly, listening to the ocean waves.



Shoto turned to look at the (h/c) haired girl when he felt a slight pressure on his side. [Name] had fallen asleep on his shoulder. Her soft breaths against his neck sent chills up his back, and the sight of her chest rising and falling caused a loving, swelling feeling in his heart.

He sat there, alone with his thoughts, wondering about what he and [Name] were.




"[Name], wake up. We have to go," Shoto said urgently. He shook said female gently and those striking (e/c) eyes he grew to love so much opened with a jerk. She sat up and yawned slightly, taking in the sight of the cliff view one more time, before standing up and wrapping Shoto's jacket tighter around herself.

Then, the two set off. The time was about 10:00 AM. Thankfully, on weekends, King Endeavor didn't check up on Shoto until 3:00 PM. It wasn't even that he was busy-it was that he didn't care.

However, he knew that when he snuck back into his large castle and pretended like he was there all along, the head Knight, Momo, would chew him out for being late to his sword fighting lessons. Thankfully, she didn't know about [Name]-she thought he slept in every day.

"We should hurry back, I don't want my father finding out-"

As Shoto and [Name] were walking down the streets of a town, the girl beside him suddenly froze.

Her hand flew to her thigh, tense and alert. Shoto widened his eyes-he knew that [Name] always kept a weapon pouch strapped to her thigh. It held a dagger. She insisted on carrying it everywhere incase she was without her sword. Shoto knew not to question her judgement because she was the princess of a kingdom of fighters.

Still, sometimes he thought about what would happen if he forgot about the sharp dagger and... Somehow... accidentally touched her thighs. And at those times, he would then blush and get pissed at himself because why would he even want to touch [Name]'s thighs?

Shoto was snapped out of his thoughts as [Name]'s hand suddenly twitched tensely from beside him. She had not drawn her dagger yet, and her eyes were narrowed. This was the first time Shoto had seen [Name] completely serious and alert. A couple times the pair had practiced sword fighting against each other in private, but it was usually playful and to gain experience.

But now, her eyes gleamed like a hunter's-her true instinct was taking control of her body.

"Someone's following us," She said quickly and quietly. And although the situation was intense and slightly nerve-wracking, Shoto couldn't help but admire her eyes, sharp and narrowed, ready to lunge for the kill.

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