Convo Six

2.6K 181 56

Whiteboards are...

Piss off.


Seriously. Piss off.

But I don't need to pee.

Neither do I.

Are you on your period?

Yes. Yes I am.

Oh. Ya nastay.

Tell me facts about you.

Way to beat around the bush, here.


I have chocolate brown eyes.

So do I.

I have tanned skin.


I'm half kiwi.

You're half a fruit?

Are you secretly blonde?

I think I might be.

I'm kind of tall and quiet.

I'm narrowing down to quite a few people.

I'm classed as a band geek.

I got nothing. I hardly know anyone who goes to our school.

Yeah, me neither.

Wow. Then how do you know me?

I found you attractive and decided to ask around my friends.

This proves you're a stalker.

But you love me for it.


Yes. Yes you do. Admit it.

Goodbye, Fish head.

That's an improvement from Oinker.

Stop it.

Alright. Fine.

Thank you.

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