i'm just an experiment?

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emily's pov

'hey angel, how are you?' i smile as hanna faces in the direction of my computer screen.

'i'm really good how are you?' she leans in to the screen and smirks with her nose crunched up. she really is the cutest.

i am so focused on the most adorable human being on the planet that i actually forget to answer her question

my thoughts are interrupted when alison starts talking

'i better get going' she says with a smile while grabbing her bags

'okay, love you, bye' hanna takes no interest in ali leaving as she's so focused on my presence.

'bye ali!'i yell. i don't know why i even bothered saying bye considering i know hanna's already concerned about our relationship.

'so why'd you call?' she asks me

'what? i cant call my beautiful girlfriend to tell her that i love her and that she means the world to me whenever i want?' i act offended putting on faces revealing her smile.

sometimes it feels like hanna and i are the only two people in the world.

hanna's pov

'well of course you can, but is there any other reasons?'

i know when something's up with her and right now, somethings up

'well there is something' as the sentence leaves her body and enters mine i feel fear run down my body.

i swear if she's cheated on me again.

'um uh well i want-

i cut her off because i'm starting to get angry.

'did you cheat on me emily?' i get straight to the point. i don't have time for her games anymore.

'what? oh my god no!' she giggles 'id never do that. never again' she started of her sentence happily but that feeling slowly faded away.

'well then...., what did you want to tell me?'

'it doesn't matter baby, honest'

'emily.' i start to loose my patience and get stern with her and my eyebrows arch.

the silence lasts for about a minute as she thinks of a way to phrase the words about to exit her lips.

'your mum' emily starts

'what about my mum?' i'm confused

'your mum, have you told her about.. you know.. us'

'i mean.. no' i admit and she begins to look upset. those eyes. those god darn eyes are irresistible.

'i'm sorry it's just-

emily interrupts me before i can even begin my sentence

'it's just that what?'

'princess are you trying to start a fight?' i start to laugh though annoyance seeks though my voice.

'i just want to no why you haven't told her yet babe' her voice become a quieter and softer pitch

'i guess it's just i'm experimenting-

'you're what?!' she yells at me

oh my god

why did i say that

i'm not experimenting

i swear i'm not

did my fucked up brain think that it would be normal to say that?!

'emily i didn't mean it like that i promise it came out all wrong' i apologise as my palms start to sweat.

'i'm just an experiment to you?! that's what you think of me?' disgust is in her eyes and disappointment is on her lips

'no! what i meant to say was-

'no hanna. i get it. you don't want to tell your mum because you're not sure wether you like me or not? i see how it is'

'baby i promise'

'don't. don't call me that. don't phone me. don't call me. don't text me' she yells at me dead in the eye as she slams her laptop closed.

the screen flashes alerting that the call is over as my heart flashes too.

i whip out my phone


hanna: baby please call me


hanna: don't leave me on read i need to explain

she didn't reply to me but just left me on read.

for once emily wasn't the one to fuck up the relationship, but i was.

next day mona's pov in hanna's kitchen

'i can't believe you hanna' i look at hanna in disbelief

'mona, you don't understand. i meant to say my mom would think i'm experimenting'

she doesn't understand. she still said it and she can't take it back.

'you're a stone cold bitch hanna marin' i roll my eyes at her signalling that i'm extremely pissed at what she did to emily.

'mona don't fight with me on this' she begs, though it's more like an order

'i'm not fighting with you. i just think that that was the most stupid thing you could've done to your relationship. ever.'

'wow, i would've accepted a simple 'okay' but that works too'

'i'm leaving' i don't have time for hanna's games. i want to speak to emily about this because them fighting is honestly such bullshit and causes the whole friendship group to quake.

'mona i'm sorry, i'm sorry' she grabs my shoulder.

i smirk at her and go back to sit down in my chair.

'i just don't know what to do'

'you need to give it time hanna. i'd day about a week before you talk to her again.'

'a week?!' hanna screeches

she can't go even a day without obsessing over her and talking to her all the time.

'fine. then what would i do after that week?'

'well, i would meet up but you obviously can't to do that. so call her and talk to her about it. but agree with everything she says and don't argue'

'you're the best baby girl' hanna says as she hugs me tight

'i love you loads you idiot' i reply back

hannas pov

i don't know what i'm going to do.

i hate mona's advice but i think she's right.

it only takes a second but it means sm to me.

question: would you rather i updated only once a week with long chapter, or, update 2/3 times a week but with shorter chapters?

thank you so much if you answered, if you did, i love you so much hehhe.

sorry this chapter was kind of bad, love you all loads, and thank you for all the get well wishes!! <3

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