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The day that I moved into my house was the same day that my roommate's grandfather passed away. He didn't find out until the next morning and I didn't know until that afternoon.

I texted him with a message that was basically an apology for going to do errands instead of cooking burritos like I said I would the night before. He replied with something dismissal. A second message came shortly after.

Just FYI, it read, I might be going to Borderforest this afternoon. My grandpa died last night. So yeah...

I had never known Ven's grandparents on either side and any mention of them from Ven had been mostly in passing.

Though I didn't mean it to be, my reply felt heavy and fake. Aw, sorry to hear that. You doing okay?'s a strange feeling.

I hesitated writing my final reply. Yeah, I get that. When my grandpa died I think I felt similar. Though I didn't know if that was completely true. My grandfather's passing had been expected and long in coming. I didn't know if this was the case with Ven. I finished the same text with, Well anyway...praying for you and your family. :)

I meant those last words. Off and on, for the remainder of the day, I sometimes breathed silent prayers, asking God to show Himself to Ven through this, to reveal a plan greater than one sad event.

It was a quiet and lonely afternoon.


Same day write and upload. But I'll be pretty surprised if someone reads this because I've been gone so long. :P


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