Question Activity

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Questions:(post in the comments if you want to answer them. My response to them are at the bottom.)

1. Favorite aspect of wicca/witchcraft that drew you in to learning?

2.  What name you would like to go by in the community?

3. What topic are you looking forward to learning about?

4. Out of the main five elements: water, air, fire, earth, and spirit. Which one/s are you connected to?

5. What mythology are you connected to/want to learn about?

6. Are you the first witch/wiccan in your family? Or if not who did you find out your connection to wicca/witchcraft from?

7. Favorite mythical creature? And why?

8. Are you in the "broom closet"? If not how did you tell your family.

9. Favorite color and why?

10.Favorite hobbies and why?


1.My favorite aspect is the equal rights both men and women have in wicca.

2.I go by either Cress or Araya.

3.Am learning different mythology and other aspects right now.

4.Am connected to air and water.

5.Am mostly connected to greek mythology since it was the first mythology I ever got into.

6.From what I know am the first in my generation in my family.

7.Cerberus because he adorable.

8.I came out to my a year or so ago because my sister snitched me out to my family. It was awkward.

9.purple and sunset Orange.

10.reading writing and drawing.

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