Lullabies| Chapter 4

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Jack's pov

I'm in math and I'm slowly dieing inside. Ugh I hate this! It makes no sense at all! WHY HAVE SO MANY LETTERS.

I look around and see who else is struggling with me. Mike Fuentes is a good friend of mine, I start up a conversation about how dumb it is, and make crack a few jokes. Sure we did get in trouble but who would I be if I didn't make people laugh?

It's what I'm known for. Sure sometimes I hate when people don't take me seriously but seeing people laugh make me happy.

The bell soon comes to my rescue and I rush out the class room. I see Alex walking to his locker.

He isn't that fun to be honest. He didn't talk to me for the past few days he's been here. If he did he roasted me or made a sassy comment. I'm not sure why I wanted to be his partner to be honest. But we been working on it as much as we can, we're almost done.

Maybe today will be different and he will be nice to me.

I decided to walk up to him. "Hey Lex, coming to my house today?"

He instantly death glares me for using Lex before answering. "Stop with that name. And No, I have plan with a friend. You know, people I can actully stand."

"Woah, you? Friends? Plans? People? I'm shocked!" I wasn't really that shocked to be honest. I know everyone has a different side and maybe he is just a tough nut to crack.

"Fuck off, I don't have time for you right now." He rolled his eyes.


He just slapped his locker shut and walked away.

I sigh and call Rian over instead, I guess he wasn't in the best mood.

"I think someone hates me." I say as Rian reaches in hearing reach.

"Who could hate you Jack? Not like your annoying or anything?" He rolled his eyes at me. What is up with people being dicks to me.

"I know! I'm always nice to him too!"

"Jack, if it's this Alex dude he might not want to have a goofy friend. I mean some people like having friends who don't joke around 24/7. Who takes things the right way instead of turning it into a joke. You are all over the place and you don't care about anything. Maybe just leave the guy alone. He might just want someone who is a normal person or a person who takes things seriously."

"I do take things serious though..." I say quietly. Kinda feeling upset.

"Jack, you really don't. Just stick to being dumb and silly. It fits you." Rian just went back to his phone and started texting someone.

I just stare at him for a few seconds and end up leaving. It isn't the first I heard someone say that kinda stuff.It's becoming more common. Part of me wants to stop being so dum and idiotic. Then again, apparently it fits me.

It's how people think of me, even if it isn't me.

Lullabies (Jalex)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon