Lullabies| Chapter 2

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*Jack Pov

Ugh, today's Monday. That means, school. {Hell}

"May! Come see!" May is my older sister. She usually helps me with my outfits. Besides, I have horrible outfit taste. In any thing.

Halloween, Christmas, Easter... (Don't ask...) I just pick out the worst outfits possible. It's my superpower, or like a curse I have.

"What do you want?" She enters my room with her arms crossed.

"What should I wear today?" I ask while moving some clothes around in my dresser.

"Again? Aren't you half gay? Shouldn't you have a great style? I'm kind of getting tired of helping you."

"First off, that's a stereotype. And I'm bisexual. There is a difference between gay and bisexual. Now just fucking help me please!" I whine like a baby because why not, she loves me.

"Fine," She finally gives up and helps me.

Soon I'm ready for school. May doesn't go to school anymore but stays here to help mom with me. Being a single parent means she is always working so we barley see her. May works as much as she can but it's rare mom ever gets a day off so she stays with me most days. Not that it matters, I barley see my mom and I'm used to it.

"I'm gone! Fare well!!" I yell as I shut the front door. Rian is already here. Thank god.

"Hey, It's Jack Barakass!" Yeah... He's that friend.

"Everyday." I hop into the front seat and throw my shit in the back.

"Oh hey, have you thought about the project in History?" Rian asks while he starts the car.



"How? Miss Narwin has been going on about it for weeks?"

"I don't pay attention in that class. So how the fuck am I going to do a whole project on... Whatever the fuck it is!?"

"I don't know"

Soon enough we reached school and hoped out. The entire time Rian was doing his best to fill me in about the project. We still had about 10 minutes before our first class so I usually just walk around.

Maybe I should go to the library and hopfully get some thing to help with my project... Yeah I'll do that.

On the way there I see a new kid, blondish hair, black skinny jeans, a jeans jacket and looked hot. Like dammnnnn.

Thank god for my dumb self, and the library.
My feet headed straight for him, how could they go past him?

"Sup, I'm Jack," I walked up to him with my charming smile.

"I don't care."

Ouch.. Okay maybe he's just a mean humorous person?

"Umm. What's your name?"

"Fuck off mate. I have classes to find before the bell." Then he walked off.

"Cool name? I guess.."

He may be hot, but he is very spicy... Like a spicy burrito.

I decided to go to the library later since the bell was about to ring and head to first class.

I walked in headed to the back of the conner, but my seat was taken. By the blode burrito for eariler.

"Hey, this is my seat."

"The teacher said I could seat anywhere."

Okay then.

I sighed in defeat and just sat next to him.

He did interest me though, how do I start a conversation....

"What color is your toothbrush?"

"The same color as your mum, shut up and leave me alone."

I just rolled my eyes. The classic mum joke? Does this kid not want friends? Who wouldn't answer a dumb question? It's one of the best ways to make a friend!

To be fair. He seems like that person to hate people. I mean, a total jackass (Where he will be), and sits in the conner. The person who tells people to fuck off...

"Good morning class. Today we will be starting our projects. Alex, would you like someone to help you? Since your new and all?"



"I'll do miss Narwin. " I raised my hand.

"Okay, very well. Let's go over some rules...."

Alex death glared me. Alex, I like that name.

Soon we had to start on our projects and me and Alex had been told we can work together quitely.

"So Lex, know anything about Histroy?"

"Don't call me that."


"Because. I. Said. So."

"Fine, whatever. Want to come over after school today? We can work on our project."

"Why would I do that?"

"Because think about it. The sooner yo- we get it over with we wouldn't need to talk ever again."

He thought for a secound but agreed.

I may have to deal with a asshole, but at least I am getting something out of it.

We spent the rest of class coming up with ideas, well. Mainly him while I ask questions he dully answers.

Soon the bell rang and I didn't have any thing next hour.

"Alex, do you have anything this hour?"

"Umm.... No."

"I could show you around if you want."


Alex's Pov°°°

Why did I agreed to this? I mean. I do need to know. But was I really this desperate?

Jack is showing me around school, he seems pretty full of himself. Probably some idiot who'll do nothing with his life other than smoke weed.

We been walking the halls for a good 20-30 minutes. I showed him my schedule and he lead me to where they are, except one.

"And this is the music room. My last hour. I play guitar, do you play anything?"

"Um, yeah... I sing and play guitar actully..."

"Cool, are you taking music?"

"Yeah, I have it... 7th hour. So my last hour." I said looking at my paper. How fun.

"Oh hey! Look it's Jack who is actully doing something other than fucking around! Since when?" Some dude laughed with I'm guessing his friends.

Jack just smiled and waved.

"What was that about?" I asked him.

"I'm known for being a dumbass who makes everyone laugh." He chuckled.

"Ah I see." I was correct. The bell rung symbolizing my escape. "Well, I guess see you after school."

"Alright I'll catch you later!" He yells while I walk away.

Someone help me.

Lullabies (Jalex)Where stories live. Discover now