Percy 11

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Hey guys, im back! *dodges rotten tomato* so sorry for not updating in a long while, but I was sort of busy with My Pjo/Hp crossover. And now, the plot thickens.

I dont own characters, they all belong to Rick Riordan and The makers of the awesome show.

Percy's POV

I was sinking, down into the water. The last thing I remembered was the Shrimpzilla blowing up, and something sharp about to hit the back of Leo's head. I jumped in the way and it hit me instead. I closed my eyes and lost consciousness.

In My dream, I was standing in a large room. I heard a giggle that brought back bad memories. It was Kelli, the empousa Annabeth and I had defeated countless times, the same one I had killed a few hours ago. I moved forward. It was a throne room, and sitting on the throne was the most hideous monster I had ever seen, and that was saying a lot. I had seen a lot of hideous monsters in my lifetime. It had a blobby shape, and a hole for a mouth. Mucus dripped off its face and onto a pool under its throne, slowly eating a crater in the ground. It didn't have a nose, and it's eyes were dark red and full of malice. It had nine hands, each with two fingers, and four legs, with no feet. It opened its mouth to speak, and I almost gagged. Even in a dream I could smell its vile breath.

"I want the Sulta division at the right flank of of the target by sundown. The Alpada squad needs to surround the rest. Do not draw the attention from the mortals. Use the camaflauge armour you stole from those Hephaestus pests. The target needs to be destroyed by dawn the next morning, and Squads A and B, the best, need to be send to the other location. Tell all the other armies this plan. Everyone needs to know what is going to happen. " the monster made a disgusting slurping noise that I realized was laughter.

"What about the boy? He is the only one that can harm you!" Kelli asked. I was automatically aware. Whoever this monster was, it had a vast army and an evil agenda. Whoever this boy was, we would need to find him and made him join our cause.

"Oh yes. Young Percy Jackson. Well, he may have won against the earth Goddess, but he is no match for my army. Don't worry your pretty little head, Kelli. I have word that the Makapa Division, who I trained personally, and the jewels of my collection, have him captured."

Great. I was the boy that could kill this dude. And I was captured.

" My lord?, Kelli asked.

"Yes?" The monster asked expectantly.

"We have an eavesdropper."

Faster that I had ever seen anything move before, the blob creature lunged at me. I dove to the side, surprised that I could actually move in this dream, but it's claws still raked my arm. The dream changed to show me at Rachel's lair back at camp Half-Blood. She was pacing back and forth, muttering to herself."I can't see! Why can't I see!"

She suddenly gasped, and ran to a note book on her desk. She hurriedly flipped it to an empty page, and started to scribble. She stepped back and I could see what she was drawing. It was me, but I looked terrible. My eyes were bloodshot, and I looked weak, lying at the feet of the monster from my dream. But that wasn't the scary part. I was crying. Something I hadn't done in years.

"This is bad!" Rachel yelled.

"No Styx Sherlock!" I thought nervously.

She grabbed the book and ran out the cave, no doubt to Chiron.

I was shaken awake by cyclops. "Just how I want to be greeted after a terrible night sleep," I thought.

That was when I noticed a cut on my arm, exactly where the monster had cut me in the dream. That was when I also noticed that I was bolted to a stone wall by metal chains.

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