Dr. Denman 6

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Sup guys(and gals!) of Wattpad!

I shall update once more!

These characters don't belong to moi cuz this is all fanfiction, so without further ado, the chapter:

Dr.Denmans POV

I booked a ticket on the plane that I knew the girls were going to be on. When Joe and I got on, we took a seat at the very back. Just as the plane was landing, I noticed that the girls had seen us.

There was no doubt they were thinking we would follow them, but I didn't need to. I already know where they would stay.

As soon as the plane landed, I dragged Joe off, and grabbing our luggage off the conveyer belt, took a taxi to the beach where they would be. I saw then enter a house, and knew that they wouldn't come back out for at least an hour.

"It's over here," I pointed, showing Joe the cabin that I had rented online, for our equipment. It would be my lab.


one hour time skip

I walked out of the cabin, only to see the four girls walking out of a beach house.

Joe and I ducked behind the nearest tree, keeping an eye on the girls.

As soon as they got into the water, I realized that they had turned into the creatures I had been hunting for so long.

I was about to get closer, but stopped when I saw a flying horse descend behind the house. I was even more shocked when a handsome boy got off the horse, spotted the girls, and turned invisible!

There are weird thinga going on around here, and I won't stop until I find out what.

that's right! Denman is clear sighted! (can see through the mist). I know that was super short, but she isn't doing anything interesting yet, so Denman doesn't have much of a life to write about, so until

she is eviler, her chappies won't b long!
Next chapter is..... Percy!!!!!

See you later peoples!!!!!

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