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Alright! Sup guys! I need to write this chapter, and then edit and publish it, all in under like 2 hours, cuz I'm trying an update a story a day thing everyweek.. Yesterday I did my PJO/HP crossover, today I'm updating this story, tomorrow I'll be doing the government one..
Anyways, got lots of writing to do, so
All right to Rick and the makers!


I was shocked, to say the least, to see my old enemy sacrifice herself so selflessly for us. I'd always thought she was here for all the wrong reasons, and that she was in America to expose us, or study us. It never occurred to any of us that she might have been working with the enemy, or even that she was truly evil. She had, however, done the right thing in the end, and save us all.
What was scaring me more now was Percy. When Apollo had snapped him fingers, I closed my eyes, only to open them and see us back on the ship.
"He's not too bad.. We won't need to take him to the Camps or Olympus, since I'm here. Besides, I think your mortal friends, whoever they are, would appreciate staying with him," Apollo had already teleported Percy down to the Argo's infirmary.
We all hurried after him, and I just couldn't wrap my mind around how Apollo seemed to think that Percy's condition was not bad. Percy had been covered in so much blood, and his screams had sounded so pained that it was hard to think of him being not bad ever again. At least it was assuring that Apollo was sure Percy would be ok. It was a somewhat good sign.
It was unbelievable that just 3 hours ago, Percy, the other mermaids and I were joking around and swimming in the ocean. In those 3 hours, we had fought a variety of monsters, a giant shrimp creature, Percy had gotten kidnapped and tortured for 6 months on a monster island, and then we had gotten captured. I probably needed therapy for the rest of my life, and so did my friends. The demigod life was a very stressful one. Going back to school might actually be pleasant compared to this.
As we all burst into the infirmary with Annabeth at the lead and the mermaids at the back, the fact that two gods were in the room also became suddenly evident as all the demigods awkwardly bowed.
I followed their example after glancing around awkwardly.
"Rise," Poseidon's eyes weren't even on us. He never looked away from Percy, but still managed to know exactly where we were.
"Annabeth, Jason, tell me exactly what happened. Piper," he mentioned at said girl, who was now beside Jason, after waiting for the sea God in the Argo," didn't tell me much, just that you were captured and that Percy was hurt. Zeus went on another of his tantrums, ordering us not to go after them immediately and get ourselves captured too, but here we are."
"Well, we were just fighting a routine sea monster we spotted in Australia, but then, Percy disappeared, and we got an Iris Message from this horrible creature. It was hurting Percy, and it said it wanted to break the spirit of Olympus. Percy managed to give us a clue about where he was, and we found him, and tried to get out. We got cornered, and so we sent Piper to get the gods. They took us, and kept us chained," Annabeth was not holding Percy's hand while he was unconscious. Apollo was muttering chants and spells to heal him, and most of his minor cuts faded away.
"They said the island was their headquarters. They managed to create a place where this world, the underworld and Tartarus all meet. Because of that, time passed very different there. One hour here is 6 months there. It's the perfect we-" Jason trailed off as Poseidon stopped listening and stared at Percy in horror. "He's been there how long exactly?" The Sea God asked slowly.
"6 months, probably more," Annabeth said quietly, her eyes still on Percy.
The knife marks Calypso had left on his face had healed, leaving a very thin, almost invisible scar, like the one that had been on Kronos' face.
His eyes were closed and he looked really peaceful. So far, I had only
Really seen the leader side of Percy, and a bit of the scary hurt Percy I never wanted to see again, but right now, I was seeing a peaceful Percy, who looked completely happy with the world. He looked adorable, like a puppy.
Just then, his face twisted again as he began to stir. His eyes opened, and as soon as he was all of us crowded around him safe and sound, he smiled, and his face loosened. It was obvious that he still hurt, but he was hiding it.
He swung his legs out of bed and got to his feet, swaying back and forth precariously.
Right as he was about to fall, Annabeth reached out and caught him, steadying him. He smiled, then, hugged her really tight.
"You know, for a few months, I thought I would never see you guys again.. I thought I would never see you again, and I just couldn't live with that," he leaned down and kissed her, and then kept hugging her, just to make sure there was contact between the 2. He ran his hands through her hair one more time, then pulled away and addressed the others.
"We should go back to Olympus and report what happened," Percy announced, and it was amazing to see how easily he took control of a situation, even while holding onto Annabeth for support. Even the 2 gods seemed to be listening to him.
"Cleo, Emma, Bella, Riki, will you 4 be ok telling my mom, and leave out the part about me being hurt? Mortals can't enter Olympus. Tell her to tell Chiron. I'm sure my dad can get you to our cabin." He gave the god a pointed look, and Poseidon nodded, and snapped his fingers.
Instantly, all four of us appeared in front of Sally and Paul, who were standing in front of a TV, watching the news. They were laughing about something, and so I cleared my throat. They looked ever at us, and Sally jumped to her feet immediately.
"Hi girls! How was your swim back? Percy said he would take you on the Argo, but it seems he didn't... Speaking of Percy, where is he?"
"He's at Olympus,"Rikki told her.
"Where we were in Australia, we saw this huge sea monster, the Percy called the others to help. They helped him, but then, we were taken by some sort of Monster Alpha. He was like the monster King. We got away with Poseidon and Apollo's help. They sent us to tell you, since we can't go to Olympus. He told us to tell you to tell Chiron," Emma half lied.
"Apollo? Is everyone ok, he usually only helps the hurt ones!" Paul stepped in.
"Everyone is.. Fine," Bella lied through her teeth.
Sally let out a sign of relief.
She brought out a prism and a glass of water.
"Cleo, can you?" She asked, and I got the water moving in a rainbow.
Sally threw in a drachma and said the right incantation, and a kind looking mad appeared on the screen.
Sally repeated what we told her to him, and he listened intently.
"Alright Sally, that's you very much. I'll let Olympus know too, and well strengthen the borders around ca-" his screen  cut off, then Flickered.
"Oh no! They're here, the mastered are attacking camp!" Chiron yelled.

I can't edit this today, but I will tomorrow.. I'm just so hungry, but so your options for the third rotation are-

No one
3rd person of a bit of everybody

Sorry about the lack of updates, and sorry abut the lack of editing on THIS chapter.
Anyways, I'll update sooner than I said I would last time I'm I get 50 votes and 15 comments.. Anyway,
Continue being awesome

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2015 ⏰

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