The Giant Demon Skull

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(This is around the time when Fairy Tail, got sealed away for 7 years.) 

Emiko P.O.V

Darkness, that's all I can see. Floating through the darkness, with no one to be found. 'Natsu? Happy? Lucy? Gray? Erza? Wendy? Carla? Gramps? Everyone, where are you? Where did you go?' I thought to myself. All of a sudden I can see a light above me, as I opened my eyes. As I started to float up towards the light, I could feel the warmth from it as I closed my eyes. 

When I opened my eyes again, I saw that I was laying in the forest. I slowly got up, but before I  could fully get up, a surge of pain went through my body. "Arrgg" I said while laying back down.  Looking down at my stomach I saw a big wound.

  Looking down at my stomach I saw a big wound

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"What happened, where am I?" I said 

closing my eyes for a moment, trying to remember what happened before I woke up.

<Flashback of what Happened Before>

Zeref started a war with Fairy Tail, and Acnologia battling all us dragon slayers. We we're losing and then Acnologia was going to hit us with a fist attack but I jump in front of everyone, and took the hit for them. I could hear them all scream my name as his fist went through my body an threw me into a random portal. Then it's all black. 

<Flashback End>

I opened my eyes looking at the sky again thinking how did I get here, and why isn't here with me? I slowly got up again, finally standing up looking around to see if there is anywhere to go. Then all of a sudden I can hear people talking, on second thought they're more like fighting. I started to slowly walk towards the voices, as not to make my wound worse than it already was. I leaned on the tree's for support to help me get there.  I found two boys arguing with each other. The boy with the ash colour hair was yelling something about being the 'Wizard King', while the other boy with black hair calmly telling the other boy that he'll be the 'Wizard King' not him. I tried to get closer to them to hear more, when a sudden shot of pain went through my body making me collapse to the ground. Unfortunately I landed on sharp rock that was sticking out of the ground. "AAAAAAHHHHHH!" I screamed as it pierced me right in my wound.  

All I saw before blacking out was the two boys running over to me worried. 

No Ones P.O.V

As soon as both the boy's got to Emiko, they saw a small pool of blood forming around her. "AAAHHH! WHAT ARE WE GOING TO YUNO! SHE GOING TO DIE IF WE DON'T DO SOMETHING!" they boy with ash hair yelled at the boy called Yuno. Yuno bent down to look closer at the wound to see how severe wound on her stomach, and it was bleeding out fast because of the rock. "It looks like she landed on a sharp rock into a wound she already had." Yuno said looking back sweat dropping at the ash hair boy running around  in circles franticly. "Asta! Calm down, if we can get her back to the church sister Lily can heal her." He said calmly to the boy named Asta. Said boy stopped running around looking back at Yuno. "OKAY LET'S GET GOING BEFORE IT GET DARK!" Asta yelled at Yuno. As Yuno looked at Asta he said "That the first smart thing you said all day." Asta looked at Yuno steaming mad and said "WHAT DID YOU SAY!" But before he can say anything more he say Yuno walking away with the mystery girl in his arms. "HEY YUNO WAIT FOR WILL'A" Asta yelled running after him.

-Time Skip to the Church-

As soon as Asta and Yuno get back to the church Asta bust open the door and yelled "SISTER LILY WE NEED YOUR HELP" As soon as Asta finished yelling, Sister Lily came out from one of the many doors in the alter room. " Whats wrong Asta? Did you hurt yourself training again?" she said walking towards them, in till she saw the girl in Yuno's arms. She gasped and covered her mouth with her hand and said to the boys "Oh my! Get her into a room quickly!" Both the boys and Sister Lily ran into a back room, with a single bed and a night stand in it. Yuno rushed to the bed setting the mystery girl down gently on the bed, and stepped back so Sister Lily can look at her injury. So took a closer look at the wound on her stomach, he can see that some rocks and dirt in the wound. Sister Lily and said in a calm voice "There's some dirt and rocks in her wound. I'll need to start treating her immediately, you two get out and find the father quickly!" 

Both Asta and Yuno run out of the room trying to find the father. Meanwhile Sister Lily started to wash out the girl wounds with her water magic. The girl cringed in pain as the cold water wash out her wounds to prevent infection. Just then the father of the church came rushing in at yelled "Where is the girl?! Is she alright?!" as he looked at Sister Lily wide-eyed. 

-Time Skip-

It's been a few hours sense Asta and Yuno brought the mystery girl to the church, and all of the other children came to see what all the commotion was about. Now all of the children were waiting to see what be came of the girl that Asta and Yuno brought back. A few minutes later Sister Lily came out of the room, all the children got up from where they were they were sitting. Rushing towards to her saying at the same time "Is she okay?! Is she going to die?!" Sister Lily took a step back, because all of them where too close to her face. " Don't worry she's going to be fine, and she's asleep now.  All thought she did lose a lot of blood. I wonder what happened to her to get such a horrible wound?" She said holding her cheek, looking at the door where she came out of.  

All of the children except for Asta and Yuno, turn to look at each other trying to thing of what happened to her

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All of the children except for Asta and Yuno, turn to look at each other trying to thing of what happened to her. Asta stepped toward Sister Lily and asked "Is it okay if we see her now Sister Lily?" Sister Lily turned to Asta and Yuno "Yes it's fine, but make sure to be quiet so you don't wake her up. She needs all the rest she can get." she said turning around down the hall.

Emiko P.O.V

Where am I? My body feels like it's being crushed.  I tried to open my eyes but they felt like lead, I kept trying to open them. 'It's no use, they won't open.' I thought giving up on opening them. Just then I heard someone opening a door, to whatever room I was in. I heard two different sets of footsteps, one was quiet and light and the other was loud and heavy.  "What do you think happened to her Yuno? You think she's going to wake ups anytime so?" One of them said to the other named Yuno. The person named Yuno replied "I don't know, but she doesn't seem to be from around here. She look's like she's from the Land of the Rising Sun" Wait if I'm not in Fiore, then where am I then? Did I get teleported to a different dimension? What about the others, are they okay? Did they get teleported too? 

I can hear someone yelling "Asta!Yuno! It's time for dinner!" I can hear them walk out of the room, closing the behind them. Once I has sure they were gone, I tried opening my eyes again. This time it worked, I looked up at the ceiling to see wood beams. I turned my head toward the man left from, then turned my head to the other size. My eyes went wide at what I saw shocked me to my core. A giant skill reaching towards the sky. "Where am I?"

Fire Dragon in the Clover Kingdom (Fairy Tail/Black Clover crossover) Slow EditWhere stories live. Discover now