Magic Knight's?

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Emiko P.O.V

After telling them about Fairy Tail, as I looked around to see all the young children looking very sleepy. 'Must be tired from what happened earlier.' I thought looking around the room. I looked down in shame thinking at the commotion I caused. I guess the priest saw this and said to me "It's not your fault Emiko, they were already tired from playing before you woke up." I sighed in relief knowing that I did cause they're tiredness.  I watched as Father Orsi and Sister Lily take all the small children to there room. Leaving just me, Asta, and Yuno sitting at the table in silence. 'This is awkward.' I thought looking over to the two of them. Then I remembered them saying something about Wizard King, and magic knight squads. I turned to them and asked "You mention something about a Wizard king and magic knight squad. What are they?" 

Asta seems really excited to explain it to me what they are, as he stood up from his sit. "The wizard king is the person who is the strongest wizard in the kingdom and leads the magic knight squads. The magic knights squads are a group of wizards who help the kingdom, and defeat and anyone who tries to do harm." After he said that I thought to myself 'Kind of like the magic guilds back home.' As I was taking in what he said, Father Orsi came back looking at me and said "I sorry about the wait." I turn to him and did a small bow to him. "I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused." After saying that I sat back up and and said "Well I should be going now, I've been enough trouble." Standing up to leave only to be stopped by Asta running in front of me. "YOU CAN'T LEAVE YET, YOU HAVEN'T EVEN SAID WHAT YOUR MAGIC WAS YET!" Asta yelled in front of my face.


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(Like this but not angry) 

"ASTA! Calm down and don't yell at our guest." Father Orsi said to Asta while pulling him back by his shirt. He turned to me and said "Emiko dear, you don't have to go. We my not have much but you'll have a roof over your head and warm place to sleep." I smiled at him as I accept his offer thanking him. "It's no trouble dear stay as long as you like. I'll go prepare a room for you." Father Orsi said walking out of the room. I turned back to the two teenage boys to see them looking at me. 'Well this is uncomfortable' I though while trying to think of something to say or do. Next thing I know I sense magic coming from Yuno's neck. I turn to him and ask "Hey Yuno, what's that around your neck?" He quickly looked at me then down to his neck, then pulled out a gem necklace from under his shirt. Now that it's out in the open I can see that there's some kind of magical power leaking from it. 'It kind of looks like a power enhancement lacrima.' I thought looking at the gem on his necklace. After looking at it for a few more seconds I looked back up to Yuno's face and said "That's a really pretty gem you got there. How did you get it?" He looked at me and said "I don't know, I was found outside this church as a baby with this next to me." 

I looked at him sad, that he went through that as I know about that all to well. 'I guess I should expected that, as this is a church/orphanage. All of them must of be abandoned here.' I thought as Father Orsi came back into the room. "I'm sorry that took so long. Emiko your welcome to stay here as long as you need." Father Orsi said looking at me gently. I smiled at him and said "Thank you, that would be much appreciated." As both Asta and Yuno walked out of the room to go to bed, Father Orsi lead me back to the room I was in before. We said our goodnights and he left the room. I turned to the look out the window to see the giant skull again. 'I wonder how the others are doing. I hope they're all okay and survived Zeref and Acnologia, and happily having a big party.' I thought to myself hoping that they're also trying to find me to bring me home. As I laid down on the bed I couldn't help but to think back to what Asta said about the Magic Knight Squads.

'I wonder, should I join the Magic Knight's? Will they be able to help me find a way back home?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2022 ⏰

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