Chapter 1 | Gasoline

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Keith retched blood as a wall of magic slammed into him sending him across the clearing. He looked up blearily, The filthy hybrid stood still on it's  broom, a glowing aura from casting the spell still surrounded the figure. The hybrids dark figure silhouetted against the half moon wiped a hand against it's mouth baring its fangs "Ugh I forgot how disgusting your kind tasted"
"Fuck you, you flithy hydrid"
The hybrid landed it's broom and hopped off striding towards me, my heart beat erratically as the hybrid crouched before me, its long fingers gripping my chin. The smell of Cinnamon and the overlying rusty smell of magic almost made him
The hybrids blue eyes glowed as countless hues of blue swirled around, Keith felt as through he could spend the rest of his life lost in them.... but he was knocked from his stupor by the ring of pure gold that ringed its pupils, the mark of a hybrid. "If you keep your smart mouth shut, I'll leave you live mutt"
It snarled revealing unnaturally long teeth, longer than any Werewolves or Vampires. as Keith clamped his mouth shut at the sight of his blood around its mouth.
  The Hybrid dropped it's hand and with one last look of contempt ,  It swung it's leg over its broom and flew away through the trees.
"Ayliath curse you" Keith growled.
He moved to get up but loosed a yowl  as pain lanced up his side, he must've broken a rib or two. His ears flattened against his head as he finally got up.
His den wasn't too far from here, he just hoped that Hybrid didn't live too close either. Keith limped through the dense trees sinking his claws into the bark to keep him upright as he stumbled along. Hybrids were abominations of a witch and vampire union, they were extremely rare and if you saw one you were either supposed to run away as far as you could or if you were a high ranking werewolf / witch / vampire you were to kill them on sight.

Keith sighed, "I'm probably supposed to report this to the council of magical affairs but.... I'm a werewolf without a pack, and I'm on the run, so my word would be worth as much as a sack of shit" Keith mumbled sarcastically, Keith waded through the small stream across from his den a good deterrent for Vampires and lower level demons who despised water. Keith's clawed fingers drifted along the soft moss of the oak tree until he found the small groove that would open the door way into his 'house'.
It clicked and Keith stumbled into a room as the the hole in the tree clicked shut leaving him in the dark. He fumbled around with a match before lighting the fire and some lanterns. They were all magical flames he got at the market, flames that wouldn't burn down his den.
A small cot lay in a the corner and bookselves lined walls, the trapdoor under the mat lead to a secret room incase someone or something got in, it was also home to a natural spring so it was also his bathing chamber. A cuboard where he kept fruit and veg and of course a magical cabinet where he kept his meat that was enchanted to be cold.

Keith strode over to his beside cabinet getting out his medical kit. He loosened the cap of ᎷᏗᎶᎥፈᏗᏝ which would heal his broken bones. Keith swallowed a small amount of the foul tasting liquid before he stuffed it back into the drawer. "Ah gods, thats absolutely disgusting"  He shuddered.
He looked over to the pot that hung over the fire "I guess I'll make stew, that damn Hybrid took alotta blood" He Walked over to the Cabinet and took out a wedge of deer meat, he'd hunted yesterday, he laid it out on the chopping board on a circular worn wooden table, he took his knife from the sheath on his belt and chopped the meat up. He emptied it into the pot and started on the carrots. Soon he had a bubbling pot of stew over dancing flames. He doled out the stew into a wooden bowl and sank into the cot he munched happily on the stew.

"I guess I should move deeper into the forest. But,  if I do I could unknowingly walk right into the waiting maw of that hybrid...or something else. I'll stay here for  while it's safe and warm"
He sighed and polished off the rest of his stew before washing the bowl amd setting it back into the cuboard.
He blew out the flickering flames of his fire until a single lamp was left, illuminating his den. Keith settled into his cot and drifted off to sleep.

"Keith run! Go" Shiro shouted leading him to the forest edge. "Brother...Shiro no I can't leave you I won't" Keith whimpered his tail held up defiantly, Shiro smiled sadly as he glanced behind him, Flames ravaged the village of Garrison and troops of Soilders raped and killed, sent from the council to kill their father. "Keith don't be stupid run. I'll be fine and so will father. Mother would want you to live" Shiro shoved him into the forest.
"I have a visual on the traitor!" A soilders voice called, Shiros head whipped around as he paled "Keith go and don't look back. Promise me"
"I-I promise.."
"Good run"
Keith looked one last time at his brother before running, briars scratched at his face and he tripped on vines and roots. Soon the smell of smoke and screams of the innocent melted away and Keith-

Keith gasped and awoke from a cold sweat, he was after tearing his blanket into shreds...."Shit...that same dream" Keith had this dream every night since he gone into the forest. He'd  been accused of rampaging through the village with Shiro and then killing his own brother before fleeing into the night. Keith growled, a fabrication by the council to save their own skin. Their father Mr.Kogane had been a prominent figure in the council, head of the department for Hybrids. Their father had come out about the terrible things the council had and were willing to do. He'd been killed and branded as a traitor, a liar and so was his brother...But those were only memories now.

Thank you for reading another one of my shitty ass stories. The next chapter will be put up tonight because I have nothing to do other than write chapters.
Ily bruddas.
Don't worry the rest of the characters will be coming in, in the next chapter.

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