21/coming out

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Narrator's POV

Today is the day where Daniel James Seavey, comes out of the closet. *queue the dramatic music*

It was a saturday and saturday is one of the lazy days in the WDW household. While the boys (Jonah,Corbyn,Jachary) are doing their thing, Daniel is getting ready to come out.

"Um. Boys im gay. No no no that's not it" Daniel said to himself, "Hey guys, I have something to tell you. I'm gay. Yes yes yes that's right" He smiled at himself in the mirror.

He went downstairs and sat on the couch.

"JONAH! CORBYN! JACHARY!" He yelled for them.

"WHAT!" They responded, "I NEED TO TELL YOU GUYS SOMETHING!" Daniel said.

They all went down at the same time and sat on the couch.

"So um. imgayandihopeyou'llacceptmybutitsokayifitsnot" he said quickly.

"You're gay?" Zach smiled brightly, "THAT'S AWESOME!" the younger kid higged him.

"We're really proud of you Dani" Jonah and the rest of the boys joined.

"I love ya'll but you're killing me" Daniel struggled to breathe and they released from the hug.

"So, who's the lucky boy?" Corbyn asked and Daniel's cheeks instantly heated up.

You, Daniel thought.

"I don't know yet, but I do have a tiny crush on my friend back in Portland" Daniel shrugged but it was all just a lie. Daniel knew he had a crush on Corbyn ever since the day he met him.

"Hmm..alright" Jack sent a playful glare.

"Wanna go get food? Im starving" Jonah said.


And they all went out to eat.

Happily ever after, THE END
jk lol. sorry for the short chapter tho lmao
i had no ideas for daniel's coming out so yea
luv ya'll! peace! hope u enjoy the storyyyy🤠 and oof two chapters in two days

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